Agenda item


To agree the format for future performance reporting.


The Cabinet Member (Corporate Services) presented the report of the Assistant Director People Policy & Partnership.  He reported that the existing Integrated Corporate Performance Report (ICPR) provided Cabinet with a quarterly overview of performance against the annual corporate delivery plan. A number of areas had been identified for improving both the comprehensiveness of performance reporting, and the usefulness and accessibility of the information reported.  The Cabinet Member would work with Officers on the detail for their areas of responsibility.


In the ensuing discussion, the following points were raised:


·         That greater transparency of performance reporting was to be welcomed.


·         That whilst the outcomes would be measured on an annual basis, Cabinet would be provided with in year proxy measures on a quarterly basis.  


·         It was noted that consistency of explanation of the performance reporting was required, as certain areas would have appeared to have been measured using inconsistent data.  The Assistant Director People Policy & Partnership said that there were areas where a combination of measures lacked clarity, and proposals were in hand to ensure that a greater degree of precision would be provided in these matters.


A Member in attendance welcomed the reference to the amendments that had been made as a result of Councillor EPJ Harvey’s comments.  He went on to say that the layout of the Workforce Report on page 42 of the report should be improved.  He suggested that additional measures should also be added to the Resilient Herefordshire measure on page 23 such as water quality, food miles, food poverty and the number of residents working outside the County.






(a)          the proposed format for performance reporting be agreed; and;


(b)          the proposed outcomes and measures be agreed.

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