Agenda item


To receive a presentation on the work of the Trust.


The Committee received a presentation on the work of the Trust.


Mr Colin Merker, Chief Operating Officer (CO), of the Trust gave the presentation.  A document; Transformation Brief Year One Summary was also circulated. A copy of the presentation and the additional document has been placed with the agenda papers on the Minute Book.


In discussion the following principal points were made:


·         The plans to replace the Oak House, Hereford, intensive recovery inpatient unit, were discussed.


·         Questions were asked about the performance of the Children and Mental Health Service (CAMHS).  The CO acknowledged that the service faced challenges but improvements had been made and would continue to be made.  Members proposed that the service should be the subject of a short Task and Finish review. 


·         That consideration needed to be given to the content of future updates to the Committee from health bodies to ensure that they presented Members with a clear picture of service delivery.   Members requested that performance information be provided to them in advance of the meeting and that each meeting at which an update was to be received should have a particular focus.


·         That performance information in itself did not provide a complete picture of the quality of service delivery.  Members proposed that at the next update from the 2gether Trust the Committee should focus on user feedback.   This could be complemented by some Member visits.  The CO commented that the Trust did work with the Service User Group.  He reminded the Committee that the Trust was subject to a range of external inspections.


·         The reduction in adult inpatient beds on the Mortimer ward to date and the further planned reduction were discussed.  The CO commented that the number of beds in Herefordshire was in the upper quartile of authorities and the number of beds used had been generally significantly above demand.  There were currently some pinch points at times but service changes that would reduce admissions would begin to take effect.  Savings from the reduction in beds would contribute to the cost of service transformation.


·         It was requested that information on suicide rates in the County and how these compared with other areas be provided to Members.


·         Attention was drawn to the number of unexplained acronyms in the material presented to the Committee.  It was requested that a glossary be produced for Members’ reference.





That      (a)     the Children and Mental Health Service should be the subject of a short Task and Finish Review;


              (b)     consideration to be given to the content of future updates to the Committee from health bodies to ensure that they presented Members with a clear picture of service delivery; with performance information to be provided in advance of the meeting and with each meeting at which an update is to be received to have a particular focus;


              (c)     the next update from the 2gether Trust the Committee should focus on user feedback, supported by a programme of Member visits arranged in advance of the meeting;


              (d)     a briefing note on suicide rates in the County and how these compared with other areas be provided to Members; and


              (e)     a glossary of acronyms used by health bodies be produced for reference.