Agenda item


Three Notices of Motion have been submitted for consideration by Council.  The first notice of motion was submitted by Councillor GJ Powell.


The second notice of motion was submitted by Councillor JG Jarvis, Leader of the Council.


The third notice of motion was submitted by Councillors: MAF Hubbard and EPJ Harvey.


The Council’s Commitment to Reduce the Threat of Rural Isolation

Submitted by Councillor GJ Powell


That this Council recognises that the demographics of Herefordshire and the current period of austerity has particular impact on the elderly and vulnerable in our rural communities and that the Council commits to continue to develop strategy and implement policy that reduces the threat of rural isolation and notes:


  • That a failure to recognise the existence or prevalence of poverty and disadvantage in rural communities, will mean that the provision of appropriate support and assistance will be made more difficult, whether from public services’ providers or by local communities and community groups.


  • That participatory budgeting, which directly involves local people in making decisions on the spending and priorities for a defined public budget, will preserve service provision in rural communities


  • That continuing to provide subsidised bus services and supporting Community Transport Schemes will enable the elderly and vulnerable to have access to health and social services.


  • That where communities have identified a need, and where the infrastructure is available, small scale development of affordable housing should be permitted.


  • That Superfast Broadband in rural areas will enable shopping, telemedicine, home education and working from home to become a reality.


  • That Locality Working will structure service delivery closer to our communities and address local need.


  • That we should encourage and help our communities to help themselves and in particular ‘look out’ for the elderly and more vulnerable in our communities.  This would allow the elderly and more vulnerable in our communities to feel more secure, feel more cared for and would provide them with a better quality of life, wherever possible, in their own homes.



Meeting the Ambitions of the County and Local Communities

Submitted by Councillor JG Jarvis, Leader of the Council


This Council urges all Officers, Staff Members, Members and Partner Organisations to embrace a ‘can do’ attitude to ensure we meet the ambitions of the county and local communities.



Sustainable Transport Options

Submitted by Councillors: MAF Hubbard and EPJ Harvey


This Council resolves that all sustainable transport options for Hereford City are implemented and integrated with improved traffic management systems prior to any work commencing on the outer distributor road.



Notice of Motion One – The Council’s Commitment to Reduce the Threat of Rural Isolation, proposed by Councillor GJ Powell and seconded by Councillor RB Hamilton.  During the debate the following points were made:


·         The demographics of the county were changing with 15% more people in Herefordshire living to 65 years of age and over.  In England and Wales the figure was only 8%.

·         Rurality, sparsity and poverty were major issues for the county with 43% of the population living in rural villages and 25% in sparsely populated areas, the highest for an English county.

·         Having Services locally based to meet local needs was essential.

·         Broadband provision is key to improving services and enabling communities in rural areas. 

·         Councillors: Durkin, Millar and Phillips spoke in support of the notice of motion.

·         Additional comments related to the localities agenda and parish councils not necessarily being in a position to take on additional responsibilities/provision of services. 


It was moved and seconded that the motion be put whereupon a vote was taken:


For:                  37

Against:             0

Abstentions:    24


The Notice of Motion was declared carried with:


For:                  48

Against:             0

Abstentions:      0


RESOLVED: That this Council recognises that the demographics of Herefordshire and the current period of austerity has particular impact on the elderly and vulnerable in our rural communities and that the Council commits to continue to develop strategy and implement policy that reduces the threat of rural isolation.



Notice of Motion Two - Meeting the Ambitions of the County and Local Communities, proposed by Councillor JG Jarvis and seconded by Councillor AM Atkinson.  During the debate the following points were made:


·         The notice of motion was to promote a positive attitude throughout the county, for Councillors to serve the people of Herefordshire to the best of their ability, to enhance the lives of residents in their wards and for Councillors to realise what could be achieved for the people of Herefordshire.

·         Additional comments from Councillors made reference to Councillors taking exception to the notice of motion and felt that it was not necessarily the best use of Council time. 


It was moved and seconded that the motion be put:


For:                  24

Against:           13

Abstentions:    15



Following a vote being taken the Notice of Motion was declared carried with:


For:                  28

Against:             0

Abstentions:    24


RESOLVED: That this Council urges all Officers, Staff Members, Members and Partner Organisations to embrace a ‘can do’ attitude to ensure we meet the ambitions of the county and local communities.



Notice of Motion Three – Sustainable Transport Options, submitted by Councillor MAF Hubbard and seconded by Councillor EPJ Harvey. 


Prior to the commencement of the debate the following amendment to the Motion was moved by Councillor MAF Hubbard and seconded by Council EPJ Harvey.


‘This Council resolves that all sustainable transport options consulted on in the Herefordshire Council place shaping paper for Hereford City, are implemented and integrated with improved traffic management systems prior to any work commencing on the outer distributor road.’


The following points were made during the debate on the amended motion:


·         45% of the traffic directly relating to the Grey Friars bridge was internal to the city with only 15% being through traffic.

·         To provide a road around the city additional housing would be required.

·         In response to the place shaping document, the public were happy to see traffic reduction proposals if this instigated traffic movement.

·         It was felt by some Members that the sustainable transport plan would not solve all the county’s road problems.

·         In referring to the statistics it was noted that 92% of the people that had been asked voted yes when asked if they wanted a relief road.

·         Some Members felt that a sustainable transport plan on its own would not deliver all that Herefordshire needed.  It was noted that both local MPs supported road proposals and the enterprise zone in order for a strong local economy.


It was moved and seconded that that the motion be put:


For:                  38

Against:           02

Abstentions:    07


Following a vote being taken the Notice of Motion was lost with:


For:                  14

Against:           35

Abstentions:      5