Agenda item

DMS/111132/F - Field, The Leys, Lynne Down, Much Marcle, Herefordshire, HR8 2NS

Change of use of land from agricultural to a one family traveller siteincluding siting of one mobile home, touring caravan, shed and new access.


Refused contrary to the case officer’s recommendation.


The Team Leader (South) gave a presentation on the application and updates / additional representations received following the publication of the agenda were provided in the update sheet.


He also gave further details regarding the outcome of the previous appeal relating to the site. He advised Members that there were 4 key considerations in the Inspectors decision, these related to: sustainability; the impact on the landscape character; the impact on the setting of Gamage Farmhouse; and the impact on biodiversity.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking Mr Morgan, representing Much Marcle Parish Council, and Mr Roskill, representing some of the local residents, spoke in objection to the application and Mr Baines, the applicant’s representative, spoke in support.


In accordance with paragraph of the Council’s Constitution, Councillor BA Durkin, the local ward member, advised Members that his comments from the last meeting still stood and that he had serious concerns regarding the sustainability and highway safety of the proposed site.


Members opened the debate by speaking in support of the application. It was noted that a site inspection had been undertaken the previous day which had been well attended and was beneficial to members when making a judgement in respect of the site. Concerns were expressed in respect of the proposed new access with members considering the existing access to be acceptable. It was also noted that the metal railings bordering the highway should be retained for highway safety reasons. Members felt that the applicants had acted responsibly throughout the application process and should be commended.


There were further comments in support of the application however there were still concerns in respect of the sustainability of the site. It was noted that the nearest small settlement was Much Marcle, which was located 2.4km away from the site along an unlit road with a sporadic bus service.


Members went on to discuss issues of concern in respect of the application and noted that the proposed hedgerow planting would take a considerable amount of time to reach maturity. It was also noted that the application site was in the setting of a listed building. In reference to the policy issues the Committee were of the opinion that the key policies related to Unitary Development Plan policies S1, S3, S6, DR4, DR6 and H12. The impact on the landscape was also discussed with the general view being that it could not be mitigated through screening.


Members did note that there was still a shortage of traveller sites within the county but felt that the proposed site was not acceptable.


In response to a question regarding maximum caravan sizes, the Team Leader (South) advised Members that under the 1966 Caravan Sites Act a caravan could be a maximum of 60 x 20 feet.


A motion to approve the application in accordance with the case officer’s recommendation was lost and the resolution detailed below was agreed.




THAT the planning permission be refused for the following reasons:


1.         The provision of a gypsy/traveller site in this rural location would not be sustainable since it is considered to be too remote from local services and amenities available in Much Marcle, Ross-on-Wye and Ledbury. Accessibility to these services is further compromised by the limited bus service available and the lack of safe pedestrian/cycle routes to the nearest identified settlements. Accordingly the proposal is considered to be contrary to Policies S1 and H12 of the Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan.


2          The proposed location of the accommodation and associated residential paraphernalia, by reason of its prominent and elevated position on the site and the loss of hedgerow required to form the new access would not be adequately mitigated by the proposed hedgerow and orchard planting and as such would have a detrimental impact on the intrinsic quality of the landscape contrary to Policy LA2 of the Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan.


3          The proposed development by reason of its scale, appearance and proximity to the nearby listed farmhouse would be detrimental to its rural and predominantly agricultural setting and therefore contrary to Policy HBA4 of the Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan.

Supporting documents: