Agenda item

DMN/110051/F - The Millstone, Green Lane, Lower Eggleton, Herefordshire, HR8 2UQ

Two mobile homes and new access on established gypsy site.


Approved in accordance with the case officer’s recommendation.


The Senior Planning Officer gave a presentation on the application and updates / additional representations received following the publication of the agenda were provided in the update sheet.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking Mr Harris, representing Yarkhill Parish Council, spoke in objection to the application and Mr Jackson, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support.


In accordance with paragraph of the Council’s Constitution, Councillor PM Morgan, the local ward member, commented on a number of issues, including:


·         Permission had been granted for a single caravan but the current proposal was for an extended family and 3 caravans in total.

·         The application was contrary to policy H12.

·         There were concerns as to the possibility of flooding on the site.

·         There were no adopted policies regarding the extension of gypsy sites.

·         The proposed application would result in the size of the site being trebled in size.


In response to a question from the local ward member, the Senior Planning Officer confirmed that the 40 m2 dimension for the caravan had been determined based on the Councils standard amenity figures. She confirmed that this figure was in respect of each caravan.


Members noted that there was a shortfall in traveller pitches throughout the County and felt that the matter should be addressed as a matter of importance. Members felt that the report had addressed all of the key issues regarding the application and therefore felt that it should be approved in accordance with the case officer’s recommendation.


In response to a proposal to approve one additional caravan on the site the Planning Policy Manager confirmed that the application had to be determined on its merits and that the only way to approve one caravan on the site would be for the committee to refuse the proposed application and request that the applicant submit a new application for one additional caravan.


In response to a number of questions the Senior Planning Officer confirmed that the Environment Agency had confirmed that the site did not fall within the flood plain. She added that the eastern boundary of the site may be susceptible to flooding but that the area where the caravans were sited had not flooded. She also confirmed that each caravan was permitted to have a touring caravan associated with it and that the siting of the touring caravan was restricted to the hardstanding area defined in the application. Finally in response to the request for a personal condition to restrict the usage of the proposed caravans, she confirmed that condition 3 of her recommendation addressed this issue.


Councillor PM Morgan was given the opportunity to close the debate. She reiterated her opening remarks and welcomed the additional condition referred to in the Senior Planning Officer’s updates.




That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:


1.         A01 Time limit for commencement (full permission)


2.         B03 Amended plans


3.         This permission shall be for the benefit of Mr and Mrs D R P Smith and their parents and children  only and not for the benefit of the land or any other persons interested in the land.


Reason: The nature of the development is such that it is only considered acceptable in this location having regard to the applicants' special circumstances.


4.         G09 Details of Boundary treatments


5.         G10 Landscaping scheme


6.         G11 Landscaping scheme - implementation


7          Notwithstanding the approved details, prior to commencement of the development hereby permitted the following matters shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for their written approval:


·        Floor plans of the two mobile homes hereby permitted to a scale of 1:50

·        Elevation plans of the mobile homes hereby permitted to a scale of 1:50


The development hereby permitted shall not commence until the Local Planning Authority has given such written approval.  The development shall be carried out in full accordance with the approved detail and thereafter maintained as such.




a)  To ensure that the size of the mobile homes are of a scale commensurate to the established functional need (ie to accommodate two individuals only); and

b)  To safeguard the character and appearance of the countryside.


8.         I17 Scheme of foul drainage disposal

Supporting documents: