Agenda item


To note the intention to revise the timetable for production of a policy framework item; and to provide an overview of the Executive’s activity since the last meeting of Council.



LDF and therefore, parts of the planning application would be post Christmas.  The Leader of the Council, Councillor JG Jarvis, presented his report and apologised to Council for some grammatical errors in the report.  Members made comments on the following items:


·         Page 29 paragraph 1, in appreciating the budget difficulties Councillor Hempton-Smith stated that he had grave concern for the lack of support and only basic provision that was being made for young people.  The Leader stated his support for this area of work but added that it should be looked at in context with all other areas of work in the county.

·         Page 31, Herefordshire’s Economy and Communities Councillor Hubbard congratulated the administration on the improvements made at the Yazor Brook as the recent heavy rain fall had not caused any difficulties for the residents, but added that Tupsley and Three Elms now had some sewage in the brook.  The Leader responded that he would ask for this concern to be checked.

·         In response to the question as to who had paid for the erection of the hoarding around the retail quarter it was the Leader’s understanding that the developers had done so, however, he would inform the Councillor if this was not the case.

·         In response to a question on the timetable of the Local Development Framework (LDF), Council was informed that the timetable that the Cabinet Member Highways, Transportation and Sustainability had given was correct and that parts of the Local Transport Plan (LTP) would need to be separated from the LDF. The Leader added that he would be happy to discuss the matter further outside the meeting and acknowledged the need to keep neighbouring ward Councillors informed.

·         Page 31 paragraph 11 the Leader was asked to confirm that there were no legal or binding agreements with Stanhope and British Land in place.  The Leader referred the Councillor to the answer given previously and stated he would provide a written response.

·         In response to a question as to the financial benefits to the tax payer from the new livestock market, the Cabinet Member Enterprise and Culture reminded Council that agriculture was the biggest industry in the county and that the market was working to capacity.  A market of this quality would enhance the agriculture business in the county.

·         Page 31 paragraph 12 a reference was made to the LDF being moved to the July Cabinet meeting and that there would then be a significant break before the next meeting of Council in November.  A Councillor asked for assurance that the improved consultation process would take place and that consideration would be given to a Council meeting in September to overcome the gap between the July and November Council meetings.  The Leader advised that an extraordinary meeting of Council was being considered.  The Leader added that care was being taken to ensure that further extensive consultation would be carried out and urged all Members to attend the June Member seminar on consultation.

·         Page 31 paragraph 9 a Councillor referred to the housing needs of local people and the need for energy efficient homes.  The Leader noted the comments and advised that Councillor Rone would take up this issue, as the new Cabinet Support Team member dealing with housing matters.

·         Page 32 paragraphs 14 to 21 it was asked when residents would see improvement to the benefit of their communities.  The Leader noted the comments and stated that the degree of community engagement varied across localities.

·         Page 32, first bullet point Destination Hereford and paragraph 14 of the report, a Councillor stated that they felt the grant funding could be spent better elsewhere in the county and that they had spoken with businesses in the area who had expressed a wish not to see any reduction in the parking spaces available in Broad Street.  The Leader advised there was a need to look at the scheme in context for the whole of the city and that if the authority tried to move the £5m grant funding it would be in danger of losing it altogether.

·         In referring to the provision of affordable housing a Councillor asked if consideration had been given to opportunities under new legislation.  The Councillor congratulated the Leader on the excellent work done in Ledbury on the Masters House and requested that any loss in car parking was taken into consideration during the development of the project.  The Leader thanked the Councillor and added that he would speak separately outside the meeting regarding new legislation.

·         In response to a question on business rates and charity shops the Leader stated he was referring to national charities paying business rates and not local charities.

·         In response to a question on improving the county’s waste recycling rates the Leader stated that it was dependent on the good will of local people and if garden waste was included it would be at a considerable cost to the Council, but he was willing to explore options which should be brought to the attention of the recycling officer.

·         In response to concerns raised about Overview and Scrutiny and improvements that needed to be made, the Leader reminded Council that he had stated the previous year that a review would be carried out. This was now coming to a conclusion and proposals would be brought to the July Council meeting. 

·         Concern was raised over the low turnout by Members at some seminars and in particular the recent one on Root and Branch reviews. It was asked if Group Leaders could reiterate the importance of attending seminars to their political groups.

·         The Leader confirmed the appointment of Councillor Hamilton as the new Cabinet Member for Environment, Housing and Planning and that further changes to Cabinet would be made in the future which would include bringing Councillor Graham Powell into Cabinet.  The Leader added that he had invited Councillor Rone to join the Cabinet Support Team with a remit for Housing.






(a)          the intention to revise the timetable for the production of the Local Development Framework, as set out at paragraph 12 to the report, be noted; and

(b)          the overview of the Executive’s activity be noted.

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