Agenda item


To consider the initial discussions of the Budget Working Group on 6th May 2011 relating to the Dedicated Schools Grant budget for 2012/13.



The Forum considered the initial discussions of the Budget Working Group on 6 May 2011 relating to the Dedicated Schools Grant budget for 2012/13.


The Chairman of the Budget Working Group commented on the principal matters the Group had so far discussed, as set out in the key points summary in the report.  The Group’s intention was to produce financial models showing the potential impact on school budgets depending on what choices were made.  A draft consultation document would be prepared for consideration by the Forum in September setting out options.


The Schools Finance Manager highlighted the Group’s discussion about reviewing the way in which grants that had been mainstreamed into the Dedicated Schools Grant were allocated.  These issues would also be reflected in the draft consultation document.


In discussion the following principal points were made:


·         It was noted that any changes to Teachers’ pension arrangements would represent a budget pressure that schools would have to absorb. Balances were held for this purpose. 


·         The Budget Working Group had not yet given consideration to balances held by schools but could do so.


·         The report stated that charitable rates relief savings were potentially available to foundation and academy schools.  The Budget Working Group had asked for a foundation schools conversion programme to be taken forward. 


The Director of People’s Services commented that there was some merit in exploring the potential savings from charitable rates relief. However, it was essential to recognise that any decision to convert to foundation status rested with individual schools.  In considering such a decision schools needed to take account of a range of other issues and in particular what would secure the best education for pupils.  Furthermore this was only one aspect of the financial model and consideration needed be given to all the various options for achieving budget savings.


·         Members of the Forum expressed a wish for the Director to give a presentation to the Forum on a vision and strategy for education in the County to provide a framework within which schools could operate.


The Director commented that there needed to be a shared vision recognising the autonomy of schools.  She offered to produce a discussion paper on the guiding principles underpinning education and learning in the County, noting also that the Forum had to include Early Years education and learning as well as schools.


Members requested that the discussion paper should not be pitched at such a high level that it became bland and platitudinous.   There were a number of difficult decisions to be faced and the discussion paper should reflect this and prompt meaningful discussion and debate.  How funding decisions would support that vision would also be relevant.




That       (a)     the initial considerations of the Budget Working Party for the 2012/13 Dedicated Schools Grant be noted;


(b)      it be noted that the draft consultation paper on budget options would be submitted to the Forum for consideration in September; and


(c)      a paper be submitted to the Forum in September by the Director for People’s Services on the guiding principles underpinning the Council’s vision for education and learning in the County.

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