Agenda item


To vary Procedure Rule to receive the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel on proposed changes to the Councillors’ allowances scheme.


The Assistant Director Law, Governance and Resilience presented a report on the recommendations of the Council’s Independent Remuneration Panel on the Councillors Allowance Scheme.


Before opening the debate, the Leader spoke to Council and thanked the Panel for their report and ask Council to receive and adopt the report save that recommendation b2 be amended to take account of future developments in ICT technology and the piloting of the use tablet computers.  I would like to amend the recommendation to state:


b2)       a one off allowance of up to £1,000 be made available to all Councillors on the condition that this is to allow them to equip themselves sufficiently with ICT to carry out their Council duties, payment to be made on the basis of actual expenditure evidenced by receipts.  The allowance to be claimable anytime in the first three years of the life of this Council’s administration.


In the ensuing discussion on ICT, the following points were made:


  • There was some disappointment at the proposal, which could be seen as retrogressive.  The Council had moved toward remote working to allow staff to work in the field.  Members were working for a corporate body, with associated aims and it was proposed that the recommendation regarding ICT provision be put on hold until the Council had a chance to reconsider it.


  • It was asked whether this scheme was cheaper and more cost effective than the previous one.  It was added that the loss of ICT support could impede Members from doing their jobs effectively.


The Cabinet Member (Corporate Services and Education) who had oversight of ICT in the previous administration, stated that many options in the ways of working had been discussed.  Members would have different requirements, and this option was considered the most appropriate way to ensure that there was sufficient ICT provision operating effectively within a corporate facility.  This approach would also address the necessity to upgrade technology in the future. He added that software would be provided to Members by the Council at a reduced rate.


In the ensuing discussion, the following points were made:


  • It was pointed out that the current system was expensive because of the degree of back up that was provided to Members.  The report before Council would be less costly, as Members would have to take responsibility for their own ICT provision. 


  • It was suggested that bulk purchase of ICT equipment by the Council should be considered, as this would serve to reduce costs.


  • A Member said that whilst they supported the recommendations, It was felt that it could have been explained more clearly, as there were no figures that showed the savings that were being made.  There was discussion on the Special Responsibility Allowances (SRAs).


  • Councillor EPJ Harvey put forward an amendment to the recommendation that ‘The Special Responsibility Allowances be waived for all qualifying Councillors for the current financial year, and the funds be used to offset the Government’s withdrawal of the School Standards Fund at the end of the previous financial year


The Amendment was seconded by Councillor MAF Hubbard.


The amendment was put to the vote.


For the amendment :10


Against the amendment:  37


The amendment was lost


The Deputy Leader replied that the Standards Fund was subject to a national debate, and it had not, at this juncture, been withdrawn.  The Cabinet Member (Enterprise and Culture) concurred, and added that the Government had been subject to a great deal of lobbying over this matter, and the Council was working with other Local Authorities to address the matter.


The following points were also made:


  • that the Remuneration Panel was a body independent from the Council, which had recommended that there should be no increase in the amount payable to Councillors. 


  • it was important that people from all walks of life were in a position to be able to represent their ward by accepting  allowances.  She added that it should be a personal choice as to whether or not an individual Member accepted an SRA and, given the complexity and responsibility of her portfolio, she intended to utilise her allowance.


  • A Member said that he had discussed the issues with the Leader, and understood that the SRAs would be reviewed annually.  He pointed out that if Cabinet Members were aided in doing their jobs to their full potential by way of an SRA, then he believed that they were a way of saving the Council money in the long run.






(a)                     the Independent Remuneration Panel be thanked for its report;


(b)                    having regard to the following recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel as set out in the Panel’s appended report:

1        allowances should be updated annually in line with the National Joint Council for Local Government Services pay award for a further 4 years;

2        a one off allowance of up to £1,000 be made available to all Councillors on the condition that this is to allow them to equip themselves sufficiently with ICT to carry out their Council duties, payment to be made on the basis of actual expenditure from the 6 May 2011, evidenced by receipts.  The allowance to be claimable anytime in the first three years of the life of this Council’s administration.

3        Members be entitled to claim expenses for consumables  including Broadband subscription up to a maximum of £200 per year on the basis of claims for actual expenditure evidenced by receipts, which are as a general rule expected to be submitted quarterly, with any payments exceeding that amount requiring approval by the Assistant Director Law, Governance and Resilience;

4        a Special Responsibility Allowance be paid to Advisers/Assistants to Cabinet Members which should not exceed more than 50% of the Band 2 Allowance in the Allowances Scheme currently paid to individual Cabinet Members, subject to the total budget currently allocated for individual Cabinet Members not being exceeded;

5        a Special Responsibility Allowance be payable in principle to Chairmen of Scrutiny Task and Finish Groups, subject to the total amount currently payable to the 5 Chairmen of Scrutiny Committees not being exceeded, the level of such Allowances to be determined in accordance with a Scheme to be prepared by the Assistant Director Law, Governance and Resilience and submitted to Council for approval;

6        a Special Responsibility Allowance is only paid to Political Group Leaders on the Council where the Membership of the relevant Political Group exceeds 10% of the total Membership of the Council (ie 6 Councillors);

7        mileage allowances should continue to be paid on the single rate used by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs Service for all business mileage, as is the case for staff;

8        Members be entitled to choose between claiming mileage allowance for bicycle travel, or claiming for an annual service for their bicycle instead; and

9        the current system of paying Members car parking expenses for official business by provision of a car parking pass should continue.

(c)                    and the new Allowances Scheme take effect from 28 May 2011.

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