Agenda item


To agree revisions to the timetable for preparation of the Local Development Framework; and agree interim arrangements in respect of the Local Transport Plan.


Council considered a report which sought agreement to revisions to the timetable for preparation of the Local Development Framework (LDF) and to interim arrangements in respect of the Local Transport Plan (LTP).  Members were advised that significant reforms to the planning system had been published within the Localism Bill and that there was a need to consider fully the implications of the changing legislative context.  A revised timetable also provided opportunities for further consultation, including a community poll. 


In discussion the following points were raised:

  • It was queried why new issues concerning water quality and infrastructure were being revealed as it was stated that with the extensive evidence base such issues should have been addressed.  It was additionally stated that through the Growth Point initiative, £200,000 had been received to pay for water supply surveys to be carried out in the county; as these monies had been received several years ago it had been surprising that the issues remained.
  • Given that £479,000 had been spent on studies relating to the Outer Distributor Road (ODR) and a further £822,000 on the LDF consultation the view was expressed that this spend had been wasted especially given that 80-90% of those responding to the Hereford consultation had rejected plans for expansion of houses and the ODR; similarly Ledbury had rejected options for expansion.  It was asked what procedures were in place for options other than the urbanisation of Hereford City and of the market towns.
  • The opportunity to consider further the LDF and LTP in line with the new timetable was welcomed; however it was urged that future questionnaires were written in plain English and were user friendly.
  • Officers and Members were complimented for the previous consultation process which solicited a tremendously positive response from the public.
  • The results of the consultation carried out in relation to LTP3 were requested; it was additionally stated that the LTP3 process had not been timetabled.
  • Frustration was expressed due to the limitations of the water infrastructure in parts of the county.  An update was requested on progress to date on the high level negotiations which had been taking place with Welsh Water on this and other issues.
  • Consideration would need to be given in advance of the community poll as to the weighting to be given to the outcome of the public vote.


The following amendment was proposed and seconded; ‘that there be an open debate on the LDF at the Council meeting in November 2011’ – following discussion, this amendment was withdrawn.


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Strategic Housing stated that:

·         Much work had been undertaken by Council officers and that the existing evidence base was extensive; the revised timetable would enable the Council to fully take into account the new legislation and outcomes of the further consultation. 

·         The weight given to the outcome of the poll would be a matter for the next administration, however it was stated that the poll was advisory and that no decision would be bound by its outcome.

·         The rate of development was just sufficient to cope with organic growth – large urbanisation was not planned.


The Cabinet Member Economic Development and Community Services offered to meet with individual Members to discuss the outcomes of the independent research projects.


In responding to some points raised in debate the Leader:

  • Suggested that Member workshops on the LDF be held in public.
  • That a government grant had been received to support the consultation process.
  • Hereford Futures had been tasked with addressing the infrastructure issues.  The utilities companies were a continued source of frustration and needed to be accountable for their lack of progress such as the significant development needs of parts of the county’s sewerage system.
  • If the growth agenda was not addressed, the city and county would not meet the needs of the future.  House building rates had dropped to those last seen in 1924 and concern was expressed that a housing crisis was looming, especially in relation to housing provision for local residents and families.


Resolved that:


(a)                    the Local Development Framework timetable be revised as set out in the table at paragraph 11 of the report;

(b)                   the linkage between the Local Development Framework and Local Transport Plan, and the consequent impact on the Local Transport Plan timetable be noted; and

(c)                    the existing Local Transport Plan 2 be adopted as the Council’s interim Local Transport Plan 3 pending finalisation of the Local Development Framework submission;




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