Agenda item


To receive a verbal report on progress on the Hereford Futures Projects.


The Committee received a verbal update on the progress of the Hereford Futures projects.  The Sustainable Communities Director reported that confirmation of a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) for the Flood Alleviation Scheme (FAS) had been received from the Planning Inspectorate in January, as well as agreement with the National Trust over the use of their land for the scheme.  There would be an initial sod cutting ceremony on the 18th March.  The scheme would alleviate flooding from a number of houses and Merton Meadow.  There would still be flooding within the City, and land would be set aside on Merton Meadow for flood compensation.


The Director went on to say that the Planning Application for the Old Cattle Market Scheme was due to be considered by the Planning Committee on the 23rd March 2011.  If the application were approved, then Stanhope would take vacant possession of the site by the end of the current year.  The New Livestock Market would be completed in June.  Businesses that were currently within the Old Livestock Market would have their leases terminated and would receive new six month leases that would finish on 31st August 2011.  One business, RM Jones, an agricultural chemist currently located on the Livestock Market site, had received planning permission for a unit at the new Livestock Market site.


Detailed discussions were ongoing with two businesses within the Link Road line over their relocation or retirement.  Funding was in place to compensate them.  There was a longer time scale in which negotiations could be undertaken with the other businesses that would be affected.  An application to the Regional Growth Fund for £20m had been submitted by Hereford Futures for funding the Link Road.  The application was currently being considered by the Department of Business, Innovation, and Skills and an announcement on the decision was anticipated in late April / early May.  In total the government had received approximately 450 bids to the fund.  Alternative funding sources were being considered if the initial bid was unsuccessful.


He went on to say that Sanctuary Housing had commenced working on the Planning Application for the Urban Village, and it was expected that it would be submitted by the end of the year.


In the ensuing discussion, the following points were made:


  • In reply to a question from a Member, the Sustainable Communities Director said that the Environment Agency’s flood models had been used in the planning of the Flood Alleviation Scheme (FAS).   The model illustrated that the Yazor Brook did not normally flood at the same time as the River Wye, but one or two days in advance of it. This meant that there would be little concern over the outfall of flood water into the River Wye.


  • In reply to a further question, the Director went on to say that a review of the Market Stalls in High Town had been undertaken a year after they had been moved to the new site.  The review had included retailers, market traders and the City Council, and had concluded that the new arrangement was working well.  He undertook to provide a briefing report to the Committee on the progress of the Old Livestock Market Site and the position of the market traders on the site.







a)      the report be noted; and;


b)     a briefing report be provided to the Committee