Agenda item


To consider an overview of performance against the Joint Corporate Plan 2010-13 for the first nine months of 2010-11.


The Committee considered an overview of performance against the Joint Corporate Plan 2010-13 for the first nine months of 2010-11.


The report to Cabinet on 17 February was appended.


The Policy Officer presented the report.  He highlighted that of the 77 indicators where data was available in this quarter 52 were on track to achieve the target.  He referred to a number of areas set out in appendix 2a to the report where performance was ahead of target and a number of areas set out in appendix 2b to the report where performance was behind target.


In discussion the following principal points were made:


·         Performance against HPS.3.2: the percentage of initial assessments for children's social care carried out within 7 working days of referral (NI 59) was discussed.  The Policy Officer commented that a new model of working had been introduced in the relevant team and improved performance was forecast.  Members requested a breakdown of performance against this target to seek assurance that the target was not being missed by a substantial margin in individual cases.


·         Concern was expressed that performance against target HPS.2.3: average weekly rate of delayed transfers of care from hospitals/100.000 population aged 18 or over (NI 131), continued to be behind target.  The Policy Officer commented that whilst performance was behind target it had improved in the last quarter and that trend was expected to continue.   Members recognised that considerable thought had been given to this issue and that improvement measures had been put in place.  It was proposed that the Health Scrutiny Committee should include an examination of the effectiveness of these measures later in the year.


·         The difficulties being faced by 16-18 year olds not in education, employment or training were discussed noting that provisional performance against the target HPS.3.4: the percentage of 16-18 year olds who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) (NI 117) showed a worse picture than in the previous year.  The Policy Officer commented on action being taken to improve the monitoring of training undertaken by this cohort.  He added that performance for 2009/10 against this target had been in the upper half of authorities.  The national data would not be available until later in the year.


Whilst recognising that the national economic climate was a key factor, Members urged Cabinet to encourage efforts to improve the situation of this group to ensure that everything was being done that could be done.  It was also requested that a briefing note be circulated showing how the Council’s performance compared with other authorities when the national data was available.  


·         The commentary in relation to target HPS.2.1, 4.3 and 4.6 the number of alcohol-related admissions to hospital/100,000 population (NI 039) referred to an “alcohol needs assessment” being undertaken.  It was suggested that the County was awash with alcohol and that the problems it caused were well known.  Action including a comprehensive education programme was required now.


·         The Cabinet Member – Environment and Strategic Housing informed the Committee that a considerable amount of work was being undertaken to address the issues associated with alcohol abuse including consideration of the licensing hours.  In response to concerns expressed by a Member about police enforcement he added that the police were working closely with the Council on this issue.


·         It was noted that a number of projects listed in appendix 2b to the report that would provide employment opportunities were behind schedule.


·         In relation to target HPS.5.3: the number of affordable homes delivered (NI 155) the Director of Sustainable Communities commented that following a reduction in the number of prescribed national targets this indicator was one of those which it was intended to retain locally. The number of affordable homes provided was dependent on private sector activity, the Council’s current requirement being that 35% of homes in any development should be affordable housing.  A review of Council owned land that might be suitable for development had been undertaken and a progress report would be made to the Committee in March.  It was noted that in considering any proposals there were a number of funding issues to be addressed including the availability of funding from the Homes and Communities Agency and the Council’s need to generate capital receipts.


·         It was noted that it was intended that new homes bonus funding would be held as part of a central budget to be allocated with regard to the Council’s overall priorities.




That  (a)          the Health Scrutiny Committee be requested to include an examination of performance in reducing delayed discharges from hospital in its work programme later in the year;


         (b)          the Committee’s concerns about the difficulties being faced by 16-18 year olds not in education, employment or training be registered and Cabinet urged to encourage efforts to improve their situation;


         (c)           a briefing note be circulated showing how the Council’s performance against the target HPS.3.4: the percentage of 16-18 year olds who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) (NI 117) compared with other authorities, when the national data was available;  


(d)          a breakdown be provided of performance against HPS.3.2: the percentage of initial assessments for children's social care carried out within 7 working days of referral (NI 59).


         (e)          the ongoing work to tackle alcohol abuse and its effects be supported and a report on the outcome of the executive’s review of the licensing hours be included in the relevant scrutiny committee work programme;


         (f)           it be noted that a progress report on affordable housing provision and the review of Council owned land that might be suitable for development would be made to the Committee in March; and


         (g)          Cabinet be advised of the Committee’s comments.

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