Agenda item


To provide Cabinet with an overview of performance in the first half of the year against the Joint Corporate Plan 2010-13.


The Committee considered an overview of performance in the first half of the year against the Joint Corporate Plan 2010-13.


The report to Cabinet on 25 November was appended. In accordance with the Committee’s request in July 2010, the outcome of the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee’s consideration of early years and primary school performance was reported to the Committee.


The Policy Officer presented the report.  He noted that of the 63 indicators for which performance data was available now, 37 were showing performance as on or above target, with 26 behind, or failing to achieve, target.  This represented a decline in performance since the report on performance for the first quarter of the year.


In the course of discussion the following principal points were made:


·         The reduction in road accidents was welcomed.  It was suggested that the Environment Scrutiny Committee had contributed to this success, in part by urging that speed cameras be relocated with a clear focus on where they could prevent most accidents.


·         The Performance Improvement Officer (Early Years, Schools, 14-19) confirmed that the creation of a stronger school governor support service was proceeding and this would enable more training to be provided for school governors.


Asked about the allocation of local authority consultants to drive improvement at key stage 1 and whether this was sufficient resource she explained that 2 consultants, part of the local authority school improvement team would work with designated lead teachers to cascade training.  The programme was to be completed by July 2011.


It was proposed that the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee should be requested to continue to give consideration to educational performance.


·         National Indicator (NI) 39, the number of alcohol related admissions to hospital was discussed.  The Policy Officer confirmed that it was one of the priorities in the public health agenda in the County.  Whilst performance to date was behind target it had improved compared with the previous year.  The Deputy Chief Executive added that renewed focus was being given to this issue as a matter of priority.


·         It was noted that the Safer Herefordshire Scrutiny Review Group had been satisfied that Safer Herefordshire (the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership) had appropriate mechanisms in place and had correctly assessed its priorities at a strategic level in relation to dealing with alcohol misuse and anti-social behaviour. 


Concern was expressed that there were still issues to be addressed on the ground and the accuracy of data collection on anti-social behaviour due to alcohol was questioned.


·         Particular concern was expressed about performance against NI 59: initial assessments for children's social care carried out within 7 working days of referral, mindful of Councillors’’ roles as corporate parents.  The unannounced OFSTED inspection at the end of June had highlighted a number of initial assessments that had been closed down and moved to a core assessment prematurely.  It was noted that a core performance improvement team and action plan was in place and an upward trajectory of improvement was planned to the end of the year.  The importance of this being monitored was emphasised.




That          (a) the Committee’s observations on performance be sent to the Leader of the Council;


         (b)    the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee should be requested to continue to give consideration to educational performance as part of its work programme; and


         (c)     the Committee’s concerns about the monitoring of performance against National Indicator 59: % of initial assessments for children's social care carried out within 7 working days of referral be highlighted.



(The Committee adjourned between 11.20 and 11.30 am)

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