Agenda item


To inform the Committee on Corporate Risks.


The Risk Consultant Gilbert George presented the report and stated the following points:


  • The aim was to have risk management embedded within both the Council and NHS Herefordshire.
  • Procedures were in place to develop a risk register whereby each directorate had one. 
  • Procedures were in place for items from directorate risk registers to be escalated to the corporate risk register.
  • Each directorate had a nominated lead risk officer to review directorate risks on a monthly basis.


In discussion the following points were made:


  • Members were concerned at the low number of risks entered onto the register and believed there were a greater number of risks to be considered. 
  • The Risk Consultant stated that it had been emphasised to officers the need to identify risks and agreed that further work needed to be done to ensure all directorates were identifying issues and where necessary risks were also identified at corporate level. 
  • Further work is needed with lead officers to ensure practices are in place to identify any risks and to change the culture towards risk management to ensure it is at the heart of the decision making process.
  • The Risk Consultant was working with the HR management team to develop training on risk management and 1-2-1 work had been completed with lead officers. 
  • The Committee was advised that risk management was inherent within the Amey management and a substantial risk register was maintained.
  • Amey management realised the need to abide by corporate rulings on risk management and any risks identified by Amey management were owned by the relevant managers and did not soley sit with the directors.
  • Members felt that lack of awareness to risk management was a risk in itself.
  • Referring to the Corporate Risk Register, Appendix A to the report, Members felt the register needed to be broken down into elements rather than have issues grouped together. 
  • Members’ believed the register to be work in progress rather than a final document and felt the document was inconsistent and not comprehensive enough.
  • From register CR49 – believe this to be a corporate issue not just an issue for Children and Young People’s directorate.  Similarly CR54 – corporate issue rather than just Sustainable Communities directorate.
  • Potential disbandment of the Partner and Communities Together (PACT) public meetings was a potential risk but Members noted this was not on the register.  Similarly for the Local Development Framework and waste management.
  • Members’ believed that directorates were not providing enough information to ensure a comprehensive register was maintained and that risk management had not been embedded within the organisation.  The Risk Consultant advised that risks had been identified but had not necessarily been allocated to the appropriate register.  It was intended to have 1-2-1 meetings with directors to raise awareness.
  • Members felt that in addition to officers providing the information on risks the state of Herefordshire report would also provide additional information.
  • Assurance was given that winter service issues were on both the Sustainable Communities directorate and Amey management risk registers.  However, as processes and procedures were in place the risk was considered low and not to be a corporate risk.
  • Members raised issues regarding the format of the register and felt that clarity was needed on the initials used and further explanation on the table was required.

RESOLVED: That the report be noted, noting also some inconsistencies in the report and that a further report be presented to the next meeting.

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