Agenda item


The Cabinet Member for Economic Development Markets and Property will present his aspirations for the programme area.


The Chairman welcomed Councillor G. V. Hyde, Cabinet Member for Economic Development Markets and Property, to the meeting and invited him to present his aspirations for his programme area.


Councillor Hyde emphasised that he would outline his own current thinking.  However, it would be for the Executive as a whole to form a collective view on a number of these issues in due course.


Currently he foresaw no significant change to the general policies contained in documents over the last 12 months. 


He wished to see an increase in the marketing and promotion of Herefordshire to attract businesses, particularly those in the more modern higher paid sectors.  He recognised that a number of Business Parks in the County were outside the control of the Council.  However, he advocated a closer relationship with these parks in the promotion of the County.  In this context he had great hopes for the Morton-on-Lugg site with its access to the railway and the A49.  He also wished to see greater co-operation and co-ordination between Property Management and Economic Development.


He was anxious to improve the overall road structure throughout the County but saw a real need to improve transport around the City.  While other trading estates in the County were not in the control of the Council, he thought access to these also needed improvement.  Responding to a question regarding access to the Rotherwas Industrial Estate he acknowledged that there had been an improvement to the bus service for the area and that a ‘Green Travel Plan’ had been formulated.  Improving the movement of freight was a difficult issue, as this would affect the national road network.


He hoped that the impetus would be maintained regarding the ‘Edgar Street Grid’ development.  This was a major opportunity to develop new job opportunities and attract tourists and visitors to the City and County.  He expressed disappointment that some opponents to the development did not wish to see a food retail element included.  He commented that this was only one element in a multi million pound development for the City, which should also bring important benefits for the County.


He wished to see the Council working closely with the Hereford City Centre Partnership to upgrade and reconstitute the City centre to attract more visitors.  He invited anyone to put forward ideas to improve the future economic prosperity of the County.


He was keen on the idea of Lifelong Learning and the development of a Learning Village and would be exploring further, together with the Cabinet Member (Community and Social Development), how the Council, in partnership with other agencies i.e. the Learning and Skills Council, could improve the chances of attracting to the County full time jobs with good career progression.


In response to a question regarding the potential sale of Council properties, he commented that the whole portfolio of properties would be reviewed and that some may have to be sold to facilitate the better management of accommodation for Council staff.


The Chairman thanked Councillor Hyde for his presentation.