Agenda item


To approve the separate booklets for the admission/transfer of pupils into (a) primary and (b) secondary schools.



The Admissions and Transport Manager presented a report which requested approval of the Information for Parents Booklets for 2011/12.


In response to an issue regarding Church placed Forms being administered by schools and the confusion it was causing parents, the Head of Access and Capital Commissioning advised that he would review how the Forms were being administered with a view to the authority carrying out the administration.


With regard to the In-Year Fair Access Protocol Placement Panel, the Assistant Director, Planning, Performance and Development informed the Forum that he would look into the suggestion that the Choice Advisor did not have a role on the Panel and, therefore, should be deleted from the membership.


The following suggested amendments to the Booklets were agreed


  • paragraph 3.4 – delete ‘Carol Weston’.


  • reference to be made to the ‘Bishop of Hereford’s Bluecoat school’ throughout the Booklet for correctness.


  • the return of Form PA1 by 31 August.


  • it should be stated in paragraph 4 on page 129 that these are Anglican schools.


  • there should not be reference to Special Educational Needs (SEN) in the prospectus of schools as SEN is not an over subscription criteria and that appropriate wording be included to explain the SEN criteria.


In response to a suggestion regarding an addition to the booklets which addresses the Service Community, the Admissions and Transport Manager informed members that he would discuss the proposed addition with the Armed Forces representative with a view to including appropriate wording.





(i)                 the amendments in the bullet points above be incorporated in the Information for Parents Booklets;


(ii)               the administration of Church placed Forms be reviewed with a view to the Forms being administered by the Authority;


(iii)             the Choice Advisor’s role and membership in the In-Year Fair Access Protocol Placement Panel be reviewed; and


(iv)             the addition of appropriate wording in the Booklets which addresses the Service Community;













































































































































































































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