Agenda item


To consider an application for a new premises licence in respect of Ross Country and Western Festival 2010.


The Sub-Committee were required to hear and determine an opposed application for a new premises licence for Ross-on-Wye Country Music Festival. The Chairman introduced the Sub-Committee and Officers and confirmed that all Members had received the background papers. He then asked any interested parties attending the hearing to make themselves known. The presence of the Environmental Protection Manager, who had submitted a valid representation in respect of the application, was noted.


The Licensing Officer presented his report to the Sub-Committee and confirmed that the applicant had agreed to all of the conditions recommended by West Mercia Police Authority and the Environmental Health Officer. The Licensing Officer advised that Mr Gwilliam, a local resident who had made a valid representation in respect of the application would not be present at the meeting. The Licensing Officer read out Mr Gwilliam’s representation in full. He also advised that two additional letters had been received from Mr Gwilliam which had been served on all parties prior to the hearing, these letters were also read out by the Licensing Officer.


The Special Projects Lawyer advised members that Councillor G Lucas was attending the hearing. He noted the Councils code of Conduct for members as well as the standards board guidance and advised that Councillor Lucas would be able to address the committee to give factual evidence before withdrawing from the meeting in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.


The Environmental Health Officer advised Members of the agreed conditions which helped to address the concerns raised by the local resident who had made a representation in respect of the application.


In response to questions from the Sub-Committee, the Licensing Officer confirmed that Mr Gwilliam was the only local resident who had made a representation in respect of the application. He also advised Members that the event had been held for 8 years and that there had been no complaints from other local residents regarding noise.


In accordance with the Licensing Act 2003 Regulations for Hearings, Mr Gray, the applicant, spoke in support of his application.


In response to the points raised by the applicant, the Licensing Officer confirmed that the application form stated that 750 people would be permitted to attend however the applicant would be entitled to allow up to 4999 people onto the site if the licence was granted.


Members requested full site plans and asked the applicant to clarify which areas of the rowing club grounds would be used for the festival.


The Special Projects Lawyer asked Councillor G Lucas to clarify some points. Councillor Lucas confirmed that he had visited the site and had also visited neighbouring residents at Metcalfe Close. He confirmed that the residents of Metcalfe Close had no concerns in respect of the applications. He added that only two residents of Metcalfe Close were elderly. Councillor Lucas left the Council Chamber in accordance with the Council’s Constitution as he had declared a prejudicial interest in the application.


The Sub-Committee retired to make their decision. The Special Projects Lawyer and the Democratic Services Officer retired with them to offer legal and procedural advice.




That the application for a new premise licence in respect of Ross Country Music Festival 2010 be granted subject to the conditions outlined in the attached decision notice.


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