Agenda item

Annual Report by Cabinet Members

To receive a presentation by the Cabinet Member Children’s Services and the Cabinet Member ICT, Education and Achievement reviewing past performance, identifying key issues and commenting on future plans.


The Committee received a presentation by the Cabinet Member (Children’s Services) and the Cabinet Member (ICT, Education and Achievement) reviewing past performance, identifying key issues and commenting on future plans.


The Cabinet Member (ICT, Education and Achievement) commented that Herefordshire was lucky to have the services of a top quality Interim Director of Children’s Services pending a permanent appointment later in the year. The restructure of the Directorate would have an important impact for the future. Against the background of falling rolls and reducing budgets the recommendations of the Schools Task Group were out for consultation and this was an opportunity for schools, local communities and Councillors to look at, and debate, the future of the children, not just school buildings, in their area.  While attainment in Early Years was improving, performance at Key Stages 1 & 2 was declining and this had to be addressed.  Key Stage 4 was improving but below target.  He questioned the necessity to narrow the attainment gap by comparing children from different social, economic and geographic areas of the county as different children had different motivations, desires and expectations.


The Cabinet Member (Children’s Services) commented that improvements in safeguarding and the timeliness of initial assessments would continue; there would be a strengthening of support for children in care.  The Children in Care Council had been revamped to ensure that children were happier to contribute their views.  While the County had an excellent team of foster carers, more needed to be done to encourage younger people to become foster carers.  In the next few years budgets would be even tighter and therefore spending would need to be further focused to ensure greater value for money.  The membership of the Herefordshire Children’s Trust had been refreshed and the priorities refocused with more accountability and challenge provided through the Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Board.  Greater emphasis would be placed on multi-agency working to ensure the best use of limited resources.


During debate the following principal points were noted:


  • Following the government’s announcement to allow schools to apply for academy status and whether any local interest had been expressed, the Committee noted that a number of schools, including a special school, had expressed an interest but no decisions had yet been made.  Officers were looking at the possible implications for the schools and the county.
  • Difficult financial times were ahead and the Interim Director of Children’s Services commented that some difficult decisions would need to be taken to ensure that all sections worked closely together, made best use of resources and provided a better service.
  • Responding to comments on the financial limitations on the authority and on the range of specialist services needed e.g. providing for children with autism, the Interim Director of Children’s Services responded that schools were obliged to provide a limited level of support, however, the more complex needs had to be met.  Limitations on local provision meant that to some degree all local authorities had to make use of out of county facilities which came at a cost. It was therefore important to ensure that the correct level of support came at the right price and that this was constantly reviewed.
  • The Committee sought further information and statistics on incidents of both child and parent abuse.
  • Where appropriate, current Key Stage 1 & 2 pupils were receiving additional tuition to help them improve.  High schools were achieving good attainment based on previous years but targeted investment in Key Stage 3 pupils was now on stream to drive further improvements.
  •  A criticism was made that while the ‘No Wrong Door’ initiative had started well the views of the 3rd sector were now being lost.  The Cabinet Member (Children’s Services) was concerned about this comment and requested that specific matters be brought to her attention.
  • Responding to whether performance in GMVQs were reported the Committee were informed that a range of learning statistics were captured and consideration would be given to how captured data was reported.


The Chairman thanked the Cabinet Members for their presentations and for answering the many questions.  He commented that the next few years would be difficult financially and the long term view had to be taken to ensure that the best could be provided for children in the County. The Council should also celebrate its successes.



  1. the presentation by the Cabinet Member Children’s Services and the Cabinet Member ICT Education and Achievement be noted ; and


2.      a Member Briefing note be produced setting out the statistics on children at risk from parents and parents at risk from children.

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