Agenda item

School travel plans and their contribution to meeting the environmental targets

To provide the committee with an overview of progress on Herefordshire School Travel Plans highlighting the contribution that reducing travel to school by car makes to the reduction in carbon emissions.


The Committee considered an overview of progress on Herefordshire Schools Travel Plans and the contribution that reducing travel to school by car makes to reducing carbon emissions.


The Transportation Manager presented the agenda report and highlighted that encouraging more sustainable journeys on the school run was one of the key aims of the Council’s Local Transport Plan (LTP) and formed an important part of the strategy to reduce traffic congestion and reduce carbon emissions. 97% of Herefordshire schools now had travel plans in place and the School Travel Advisor was targeting those without plans to support their development in 2010/11 to secure 100% coverage in line with government target.


During debate the following principal points were noted:

  • Following government cuts the future of grants for school travel plans was uncertain.  Funding for support work was obtained from various government grants and was similarly uncertain.
  • On seeking further clarification regarding the funding position e.g. a comparison pre and post funding cuts, the Director of Resources reported he anticipated that a report on how the cuts would effect the Councils funding would be made to Cabinet and Overview & Scrutiny Committee later in the year when the full position was known.
  • The Committee noted that the three Herefordshire Colleges (Technical; Art & Design and 6th Form) were not included in the travel plan scheme, however, they were required to put in place a plan as a condition of a planning application. The Committee requested an update on how the colleges were complying with this condition.
  • Herefordshire compared favourably against the national average for schools with travel plans.  The 6 schools in the county without plans will be targeted.  Of the 6 schools, only one was a state school (Leominster Junior) which was due to be redeveloped.  The others were independent schools with a high percentage of boarders.
  • While schools promoted car share schemes it was difficult for them to ‘broker’ individual arrangements. Responding to questions on the private use of mini busses the Committee were informed that a number of parents had considered organising their own mini bus service but that the costs involved, child security and CRB checks had been a deterrent.  On seeking clarification of the CRB issue the Committee suggested that legal opinion be sought to clear up any myth or misunderstanding.
  • Questioned whether schools reviewed their travel plans, the Cabinet Member (Highways and Transportation) acknowledged that this needed revisiting, however, areas of good practice were highlighted through the annual awards to schools.
  • Noting the number of mini busses used by schools (see agenda item No 8 – Council Vehicle Fleet) the Committee requested that officers ensure that the mini bus fleet was fully utilised.
  • In view of the number of vehicles in use during the ‘school run’ the Committee requested that the Assistant Director, Highways, Transport and Community Services write to all chair’s of school governors reminding them of the importance school travel plans have in contributing to carbon reductions in the County.



  1. A member briefing note be produced setting out the position concerning how the three Herefordshire Colleges were complying with the planning conditions in relation to travel plans;
  2. new build school schemes incorporate lessons learned from previous schemes e.g. Riverside, on designing in the best and safest routes to school for pupils thereby encouraging walking and cycling;
  3. The actual situation concerning CRB checks be checked with Legal Services to stop the proliferation of incorrect information;
  4. Officers investigate whether the school mini bus fleet is fully utilised; and
  5. the Assistant Director, Highways Transport and Community Services is requested to write to chair’s of school governors to remind them of the importance school travel plans have in contributing to carbon reductions in the County

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