Agenda item

Street Scene - Cleanliness and Footway Condition

To report on the current street cleansing standards and the plans that are in place to improve the cleanliness of the county and continue to better satisfy the needs and desires of Herefordshire communities in regard to street cleanliness.



The Committee considered a report on the current street cleansing standards and the plans in place to improve the cleanliness of the county and continue to better satisfy the needs and desires of Herefordshire communities in regard to street cleanliness.


The Watchman in Chief, Amey Herefordshire, presented the agenda report and highlighted a number of initiatives being introduced including: Community Litter Picks; partnership working with Network Rail to improve the area around Barrs Court Road; A and B class road litter picking, and educational work to engender a sense of pride in the community.


During consideration of the report the following principal points were noted:

  • Clarifying the targets set out at paragraph 5 it was stated that in the case of litter then at least 95% of the area surveyed need to be clean.
  • Questioned regarding Health and Safety issues of clearing graffiti over 8 foot from the ground, the Committee were informed that Amey Herefordshire were implementing a ‘see it- clear it’ policy with its staff and further efforts would be made to instil this policy.
  • It was requested that the member briefing note requested at the 26 March meeting concerning the remit and powers of the Community Protection Team be forwarded electronically to all Parish Councils for information and that information on the cost to the County of street cleanliness also be included.
  • Responding to whether offenders doing Community Service undertook street cleaning work the Committee were informed that offenders were involved, however, they could only be engaged in specific projects. 
  • While noting there was a level of partnership working between the Council’s Community Protection Team, Safer Herefordshire and West Mercia Police to reduce criminal damage and anti-social behaviour, the Committee suggested that in view of the Total Place Initiative the Council and its partners be urged to work even closer together to tackle environmental crime (litter, detritus, graffiti and fly tipping).
  • Litter bins needed to be provided, with an adequate empting programme, at key locations.
  •  A number of ways of informing the public concerning littering and warning about successful prosecutions was discussed.  The Committee recommended that the Service seek to have a regular article in Herefordshire Matters highlighting the cost of environmental crime in the County.
  • Questioned whether an analysis had been undertaken of where litter in High Town had come from with the originator then approached, the Committee were informed that this would need to be undertaken through official channels.
  • When invited, schools were visited to talk about litter and the environment, however, it was acknowledged that parents also needed to be educated not to litter.


RESLOVED: that the report be noted and

  1. the member briefing note requested at the 26 March 2010 meeting concerning the remit and powers of the Community Protection Team be forwarded electronically to all Parish Councils for information;
  2. in view of the Total Place initiative Council departments and partner organisations be urged to work even closer together to tackle environmental crime (litter, detritus, graffiti & fly posting)
  3. parish councils be informed of the financial cost to the Herefordshire tax payer of environmental crime.
  4. it is recommended that the Highway Service requests Public Relations to have a regular article in Herefordshire Matters highlighting the cost and implications of environmental crime in the County.


Supporting documents: