Agenda item


Proposed extension to existing building and change of use from B1 (business use) to live/work unit.


Proposed extension to existing building and change of use from B1 (business use) to live/work unit.


The Northern Team Leader Officer gave a presentation on the application and updates / additional representations received following the publication of the agenda were provided; the schedule of committee updates is appended to these minutes.  He also corrected an error in paragraph 6.7 of the report.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, Mr. Edwards spoke on behalf of Titley and District Parish Council and Mrs. Lloyd spoke in support of the application.


In accordance with paragraph of the Council’s Constitution, Councillor RJ Phillips, the local ward member, commented on a number of issues, including:


·         It was noted that a separate residential building in this location was unlikely to be supported but this proposal would appear as an extension to an existing building and would not have any significant further impact on the landscape character of the area.

·         There was genuine functional need to serve the rural enterprise and on the basis of its long term financial viability, particularly as the enterprise supported a number of important local agricultural businesses that required out of hours service.  Consequently, Councillor Phillips considered that the proposal complied with policies H7 (Housing in the Countryside Outside Settlements) and H8 (Agricultural and Forestry Dwellings Associated with Rural Businesses).

·         Councillor Phillips also considered that the residential element had been carefully sited within the existing unit, with the elevations softened by timber cladding, and complied with policies DR1 (Design) and LA2 (Landscape Character and Areas Least Resilient to Change).

·         If members were minded to grant planning permission, he suggested that officers, in consultation with the Chairman and the local ward member, be authorised to issue planning permission subject to conditions considered necessary by officers, to include a condition linking the residential element to the business.


A number of members spoke in support of the application, comments included:


  • The live / work elements of this particular rural enterprise were closely linked.
  • The enterprise supported other agricultural businesses both locally and further afield; it was noted that communication with international customers would necessarily require extended working hours.
  • The proposal was considered a sustainable form of development and delegation to issue planning permission subject to conditions was proposed.
  • A concern was expressed about safety for children around the building and it was suggested that this could be addressed through the conditions.

§         It was not considered that landscape impact would be so significant as to warrant refusal of planning permission.


Councillor Phillips was given the opportunity to close the debate in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.  He reiterated the functional and financial justification for the development and considered that the scheme was in accordance with the planning policies.


As members were minded to determine the application contrary to the officer recommendation, attention was drawn to section of the Council’s Constitution regarding the Further Information Report process.  The Head of Planning and Transportation and the Locum lawyer, representing the Monitoring Officer, both concluded that a Further Information Report would not be required given the committee’s assessment of the adopted planning policies.


Councillor PJ Edwards, although supportive of the application, expressed concern about consistency in the application of the Further Information Report process.  The Chairman advised that further training was to be arranged for Members and that this would provide the opportunity to clarify the procedure.




That officers named in the Scheme of Delegation to Officers, in consultation with the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and the Local Ward Member, be authorised to issue planning permission subject to conditions considered necessary by officers.


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