Agenda item


Proposed erection of new linked building/extension to joinery workshop.


Proposed erection of new linked building/extension to joinery workshop.


The Principal Planning Officer gave a presentation on the application and updates / additional representations received following the publication of the agenda were provided; the schedule of committee updates is appended to these minutes.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, Mr Johnson, a neighbouring resident, spoke in objection to the application and Mr Eldridge, the applicant, spoke in support.


Members discussed the application and noted the concerns of the neighbouring residents; they also noted that neither the Traffic Manager nor the local Parish Council had objected to the application. They applauded the applicant for the quality of work produced in the workshop and supported the application. They did however have some concerns in respect of possible noise disturbances to the neighbouring premises as well as concerns about the proposed screening. Members also noted the concerns in respect of external ventilation and asked for clarification as to whether the ventilation units could be moved inside the building.


The Principal Planning Officer advised Members that mature screening could be negotiated and added that consideration should be given to the density of the screening rather than the height. . In reference to the possibility of relocating the extraction units to the inside of the building, the Principal Planning Officer confirmed that this would not be possible however there were no extraction units proposed on the elevation nearest to the neighbouring dwelling. He added that condition 6 addressed any concerns of noise.


In response to a question in relation to the number of objections received regarding the application, the Principal Planning Officer confirmed that objections had been received from 40 people from as far away as Malvern. It was noted that there were only two residential dwellings in the proximity of the application site.


Members praised the applicant and the neighbouring resident for their willingness to work together to overcome any issues. They added that there seemed to be a question mark over the ownership of the dividing fence and questioned whether the applicant would be willing to get the fence repaired as a gesture of goodwill if the application was approved. They also noted that there had been a breach of conditions on the site and requested that the site be monitored closely to ensure compliance.


In response to a question regarding the hours of operation, the Principal Planning Officer advised that the existing building was permitted for use until 8pm and could not be restricted to a 6pm terminal hour. It was therefore reasonable to allow the new unit the same hours of operation.




That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:


1          A01 Time limit for commencement (full permission)


2          Prior to commencement of the development hereby permitted the following matters shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for their written approval:-


                        Written details including a colour chart and the appropriate British Standard Paint number of the paint colours to be used on the wall and roof materials


The development shall not commence until the Local Planning Authority has given such written approval.  The development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved details and thereafter maintained as such.


Reason:  To ensure a satisfactory appearance to the development.


3          Prior to the first use of the extension hereby permitted, its south western elevation shall be constructed in full accordance with the recommendations as set out in the Noise Assessment dated 22 January 2010 and shall include the further specified noise insulations measures comprising 60mm Kingspan composite plus 18mm ply to the walls and 80 mm Kingspan Composite plus 15 mm plasterboard to the roof unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.  Thereafter the noise insulation measures shall remain in-situ and be maintained to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority;


Reason:  To safeguard the amenities of the occupiers of the dwelling currently known as Hoe Farm to the south-west.


4          No additional doors, windows, openings or voids of any kind shall be inserted, placed or formed in the south-western elevation of the building hereby permitted without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority;


Reason:  To safeguard the amenities of the occupiers of the dwelling currently known as Hoe Farm to the south-west.


5          Prior to the first use of the new building hereby permitted the dust extraction units upon the existing workshop building shall be sound proofed in accordance with the scheme detailed upon the relevant drawing received on 29 January 2010 and shall thereafter be maintained to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To safeguard the amenities of the occupiers of the dwelling currently known as Hoe Farm to the south-west.


6          No machinery shall be operated, no process shall be carried out and no deliveries taken at or despatched from the site outside the following times:-


                        8am - 8pm Mondays to Fridays

                        8am - 1pm Saturdays


Nor at any time on Sundays, Bank or Public Holidays.


Reason: To safeguard the amenities of the occupiers of the dwelling known as Hoe Farm and ‘Fox Grove’.


7          The resultant building shall be used for the manufacture and finishing of furniture and as a joiners workshop only (including any other purpose in Class B2 of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes Order) Order 1987, or in any provision equivalent to that Class in any statutory instrument revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification).




a)         To safeguard the occupiers of the dwelling currently known as Hoe Farm to the south-west; and

b)         To ensure that the level of parking provision is sufficient and that the local highway network is adequate to cater with the level and type of vehicular movements.


8          Prior to the first use of the building hereby permitted the vehicle parking, turning and manoeuvring areas for vehicles shall be laid out with appropriate markings and fully implemented.  Thereafter these areas shall be kept available for such use.


Reason:  In the interests of highway safety.


9          Prior to the first use of the building hereby permitted the new septic tank detailed in the application submission shall be installed and thereafter maintained.


Reason: To ensure adequate non-mains sewerage arrangements.


10        There shall no open storage outside the confines of the building:




a)         To safeguard the visual appearance of the area; and


b)         To ensure that the occupiers of the dwelling currently known as Hoe Farm to the south-west do not suffer an undue loss of amenity.


11        The landscaping shown upon the approved plans shall be fully implemented in the first planting season following completion or first use of the building hereby permitted (whichever is the sooner).  Any trees or plants which within a period of five years from completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation.


Reason: To ensure that the development is satisfactorily integrated into the locality.


12        B01 - Development in accordance with approved plans




1          N19 Avoidance of doubt - Approved Plans


2          N15 Reason(s) for the Grant of PP

Supporting documents: