Agenda item


DMNC/100481/CD - Proposed removal of existing minor extensions, internal alterations and new extension to form offices and community rooms for rent (amendments to previously approved planning application DCNC2009/0435/CD).

DMNC/100482/L - Proposed removal of existing minor extensions, internal alterations and new extensions to form offices and community rooms for rent (amendments to previously approved planning permission DCNC2009/0436/L).


DMNC/100481/CD - Proposed removal of existing minor extensions, internal alterations and new extension to form offices and community rooms for rent (amendments to previously approved planning application DCNC2009/0435/CD).

DMNC/100482/L - Proposed removal of existing minor extensions, internal alterations and new extensions to form offices and community rooms for rent (amendments to previously approved planning permission DCNC2009/0436/L).


The Northern Team Leader gave a presentation on the application and updates / additional representations received following the publication of the agenda were provided; the schedule of committee updates is appended to these minutes.  In response to the additional representations, amendments were suggested to require: obscure glazing to a toilet window; to increase the height of a boundary wall commensurate with other walls; and to delete a window from the gable.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, Mrs. Butler and Mrs. Rulton spoke in objection to the application and Mr. Duckham spoke in support of the application.


In accordance with paragraph of the Council’s Constitution, Councillor RC Hunt, a local ward member, commented on a number of issues, including:


·         Noting the concerns of the objectors, Councillor Hunt said that communication with local residents about works to Grange Court and its grounds could have been managed better.

·         He supported the new drawings and considered some of the design elements to be an improvement on the original scheme, particularly to the central foyer / reception area to define the entrance better.

·         He welcomed the suggested amendments to the window and wall treatments to mitigate the impact on residential amenity.

·         Concern was expressed about the delay to highway works in the vicinity of the site.


In response to a question from a member, the Northern Team Leader explained that the applications were presented for consideration prior to the expiry of the consultation period given the identified urgency to comply with funding requirements.  The Development Control Manager said that delegated authority was sought to approve the application but this would not be exercised if any representations raising substantially new material planning objections were received.  He added that listed building consent would need to be referred to the Secretary of State in any case.  The Head of Planning and Transportation said that it was regrettable that there was a perception that the scheme had not been managed as well as it could have been and that he would pass the message on to the relevant parties to urge the involvement of local residents to a greater extent.


A number of members supported the applications.


Councillor RC Hunt was given the opportunity to close the debate in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.  He welcomed the officer comments and commitments.




In respect of application for planning permission DMNC/100481/CD:


a)      Subject to the receipt of no representations raising substantially new issues not previously considered by the end of the statutory consultation period, that the Head of Planning and Transportation be delegated to grant planning permission subject to the following condition:


1       B04 amendment to existing permission




1       N15 – Reason(s) for the Grant of Planning Permission


2       N19 – Avoidance of doubt – Approved Plans



In respect of application for listed building consent DMNC/100482/L:


b)      That the application for listed building consent is referred to the Secretary of State for the Department of Communities and Local Government with a recommendation that the Council is minded to approve the application subject to the following condition:


1       B04 listed building consent




1       N15 – Reason(s) for the Grant of Listed Building Consent


2       N19 – Avoidance of doubt – Approved Plans



Supporting documents: