Agenda item

Connect 2 Greenway Route Options

To provide an update to the Committee regarding Connect 2 Greenway preferred route key decision.


The Committee were provided with an update regarding the Connect 2 Greenway preferred route which had been the subject of a Cabinet Member (Highways and Transportation) key decision.


The Assistant Director Environment and Culture and the Acting Construction Manager reported that the Connect 2 cycle scheme sought to link Hereford City, via Rotherwas to Holme Lacy.  The scheme had been in development for a number of years and following issues identified during the design stage a report had been considered by the Cabinet Member (Highways and Transportation) to determine the way forward to deliver the scheme.  The agenda report and appended key decision report to the Cabinet Member, set out the current approved route; the issues identified; the four further options considered; the financial implications for a new preferred route, and indicated the associated risks.  It was reported that whilst additional funding of £845,000 was required to pursue the Preferred Route, in continuing with the current agreed route, £461,850 additional funding would be required for a less attractive route with less guarantee over its long term accessibility. There was a difference in cost of £382,000 between delivery of the Current Route and the Preferred Route.


The Chairman commented that the Cabinet Member key decision had not been called-in in the interests of progressing the scheme.  He had, however, requested an agenda item to clarify the increased costs and the time taken in progressing the scheme.


The Assistant Director of Environment and Culture reported that a scheme (the agreed route) had been submitted, had won a public vote and had been granted Big Lottery Funding.  Since then more detailed work on the route had been undertaken including discussion with Welsh Water and Network Rail over the use of their bridge and railway underpass respectively.  Since initial discussions additional costs had been identified and serious risks had been identified concerning the guaranteed use of the railway underpass.   Following instruction from the Cabinet Member alternative options were considered for the delivery of the Connect 2 scheme.  A new Preferred Route had been considered in detail and had been accepted by the Cabinet Member in his recent decision (Ref No.2101.H&T.002KEY).  The financial implications of the scheme including an indication of how the scheme was to be grant funded was contained in the report to the Cabinet Member and a route appraisal table was contained at appendix B.


Questioned why the risks had not been identified at an earlier stage the Committee were informed that outline discussions with the key parties involved had been favourable, however, as the scheme had progressed to the formal design stage  the heightened risks had emerged and these were indicated in the ‘Risk Management’ table in the appendix to the report.


A point was made that before the Council embarked on major projects the Director of Resources should ensure that proper levels of resources, both financial and officer time, were available from the outset to ensure that projects progressed efficiently and therefore didn’t cost more due to slippages. 


The Committee appreciated that the scheme would provide a valuable link between north and south of the city and provided a convenient route to access employment sites at Rotherwas.  The point was made that the new preferred route would now provide a safer route for walkers and easier access for wheelchair users and supported the Herefordshire Community Strategy theme of Healthier Communities.


The Cabinet Member (Highways and Transportation) reported that the delay to the scheme had, in part, been due to a 12 month delay in receiving funding confirmation from Sustrans. In addition part of the slippage to the scheme had also been down to him as, when the increased risks and costs had come to light, he had requested officers to explore other options.  He considered that had been a prudent use of resources in view of the expenditure involved, the long term risks and the need to ensure value for money.


RESOLVED: That the Committee:

  1. welcomed in principal the proposals for the new Preferred Route;


  1. expressed its concern over the delays to the project and, arising from the necessity to consider an alternative route, that the cost of the project had increased;


  1. recommend that the Director of Resources ensures that proper resources are available from the outset when major projects are considered.






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