Agenda item

Council Vehicle Fleet

To highlight the current position and outline a programme of work aimed at improving the management of the Council’s vehicle fleet.


The Committee considered the current position regarding the Council’s vehicle fleet and considered an outline programme of work aimed at improving the management of the vehicle fleet.


The Assistant Director Environment and Culture presented the report and highlighted that a total of 204 vehicles had been identified as forming the Councils vehicle fleet; a Green Fleet Review had concluded that there were opportunities to achieve both financial and carbon savings; that currently the fleet administration was done within individual directorates and that the Director of Resources, supported by the Assistant Director of Environment and Culture, would lead a programme of work aimed at identifying the best way to improve the fleet asset management and its subsequent implementation.  Five possible options to develop the strategy were put to the Committee for consideration together with a set of criteria against which the options could be assessed.


The Director of Resources reported that initial analysis of the options against the criteria would be undertaken by a task and finish project board involving the directorates concerned. It would also explore the opportunities for joint management of vehicles across public services/partners to ensure that a cost and C02 effective management strategy was developed.  While audited on an individual directorate basis Internal Audit had been instructed to log the audit of vehicles as part of the Corporate Audit Plan.


During the course of debate the following principal points were noted:

  • It was noted that in the chart at paragraph 4 the C02 emissions for a range of vehicles was unknown.
  • Responding to a comment that vehicle costs were out of control the Director of Resources responded that costs were controlled by individual directorates in accordance with their budgets, however, a vehicle strategy would bring improved fleet management including fleet performance management and offered the potential for efficiency savings and environmental benefits.
  • Noting that a detailed audit of all vehicles would be undertaken, criticism was expressed that as lead body for the Local Area Agreement target, the Council was unaware of the exact details of its own vehicle fleet.
  • Reference was made to the key issues highlighted by the EST Green Fleet Review and it was suggested that more ambitious, but attainable, targets should be sought.  It was also noted that significant savings in both cost and CO2 could be made.
  • The Committee briefly debated the difference between vehicle management and vehicle administration and the need for appropriate resources e.g. IT systems, to support a new strategy.  It was also suggested that consideration be given to appointing an interim officer to lead on the transformation.
  • The Committee supported the set of criteria to assess the options.
  • While the Council had a number of ‘fuel cards’ it was noted that vehicle fuel was usually purchased on an individual vehicle basis.  It was suggested that economies could be made in this area.


The Committee requested that as a matter of urgency the Director of Resources proceed with formulating a vehicle fleet strategy bases on the criteria indicated and consider appointing, on an interim basis, an officer experienced in vehicle fleet management to lead on developing and implementing the strategy.  The Committee also requested that a full report on progress in developing the strategy, including full details of the vehicles e.g. costs; number, emissions, servicing etc, be made to the June 2010 meeting.



  1. the Committee supports the suggested criteria (set out in paragraph 12 of the report) to assess the chosen approach to developing the Vehicle Fleet Strategy;
  2. a detailed report be made to the June 2010 meeting on how the management of the Council’s vehicle fleet is to be addressed with full details of the vehicles involved including any involving the Council’s shared partners considered for inclusion in the strategy.
  3. it is suggested that the Director of Resources consider appointing on an interim basis an officer experienced in vehicle fleet management to lead on developing and implementing the Strategy.


At this point the Committee adjourned for 8 minutes and resumed at 10.45am

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