Agenda item


To invite Council to approve the Council and NHS Herefordshire Joint Corporate Plan vision, objectives and long-term outcomes.



The Leader presented the report and highlighted the following:


·         The amended version of the corporate plan which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, the amendments being highlighted in red.

·         The joint corporate plan outlined the overall objectives of the deep partnership between the Council and NHS Herefordshire which were increasingly important within the context of tighter budgets.  It was considered a positive and effective aid to move forward constructively.

·         The plan additionally outlined the close linkages with other partners in the public, private and third sectors.

·         That increasingly in the future, Herefordshire would be considered within the Total Place context (quantifying all public monies in the area and identifying how it can be put to best use for the public).

·         Appendix 2, which identified actions and performance targets, complemented the Corporate Plan.  It would be used by Members and Officers to monitor progress and spend.  Such an approach would assist the organisations in developing further a businesslike approach by targeting knowledge and identifying areas where funding would have the greatest impact.


The recommendations were moved and seconded.


Councillor H Davies left the meeting.


The Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee outlined the following key points raised by his Committee in considering the report:


·         Welcomed the new format of the Joint Corporate Plan and its close links with Performance Plus.

·         That consideration be given to the following specific points:

(i)                 That the STEAM report be used as a basis for measuring the delivery of long tem objective 1.3 ‘visitors to the county’;

(ii)               The targets for the processing of planning applications against long term objective 1.4 should measure the quality of decisions.

(iii)               The targets for recycling waste should be made more ambitious

(iv)             That long term objective 6.2 relating to CO2 and climate change targets should be more robust.

(v)                Affordable housing objectives had a long way to go

(vi)             Some of the information contained in the corporate plan did not align with the Draft Financial Strategy e.g. capital programmes.


In discussion the following points were raised by Members:


·         An agreed approach was required regarding use of appropriate terminology.

·         The work undertaken to achieve the plan and its SMART targets was recognised and the Policy and Performance team commended.

·         In recognising that the Appendix 2 was work in progress, the finance would need to be monitored

·         Concerns were raised regarding the differing cultures and ethos of Herefordshire Council and the NHSH.  It was commented that much work was required to embed a single organisational approach and vision.

·         The Joint Corporate Plan was a positive and logical approach which emphasised the benefits of a deep partnership, however it was stated that there was a long way to go in ensuring appropriate integration e.g. IT systems, and that the opportunity for further joint working needed to be considered e.g. approach to obesity.

·         Concern was expressed that the joint corporate plan was a wish list of desirable outcomes which were unachievable within budget.  It was commented that the corporate plan should be realistic, have fewer tick box targets, that projects should be viable and deliverable, and that some targets and objectives should be lowered. 

·         The Overview and Scrutiny Committees should review the joint corporate plan on a regular basis.

·         A specific example was given of current levels of underreporting in relation to crime and antisocial behaviour, the levels for which, if the public were encouraged to report crimes, would rise.  However increased reporting would enable better assessment of trends.  West Mercia Police Authority Members took on board a comment made in relation to the closing of a police station front desk.

·         In working towards the targets relating to CO2 emission targets and climate change, it was stated that staffing was not in place to provide appropriate support.  Concern was expressed that this situation should be addressed prior to the setting of any mandatory Government targets.

·         As community leaders, Councillors should use the joint corporate plan as an opportunity to further engage with their communities and seek appropriate funding for initiatives.


In responding to the comments made the Leader:


·         Thanked Members for their positive comments and commended the work of officers.

·         Stated that the objective and vision outlined in the joint corporate plan needed to be embedded within the organisation and supported by Members.

·         Stated that the deep partnership was delivering tangible benefits in relation to value for money and performance in areas such as Adult Social Care.

·         Herefordshire was the only place in Britain with joint ICT provision across both Herefordshire Council and NHS Herefordshire, and that data sharing protocols were in place.

·         In comparison with other councils, Herefordshire had travelled far in developing its partnership with health, and was being closely monitored by others in the local government sector.  It was acknowledged however that there were differences in culture and employment issues between both organisations.

·         In tackling CO2 emissions, the disposal of surplus properties was integral to achieving the target.

·         The use of appropriate language was important and comments expressed would be taken on board.

·         Members were reminded that whilst the vision and long term objectives outlined in the joint corporate plan (Appendix 1) were concrete, the targets set in Appendix 2 would remain flexible.

·         Other organisations would need to link in and contribute to the long term objective and work would be done to ensure this would happen. 

·         The joint corporate plan was considered to be a positive incremental step forward and formed the basis of a collective approach for the economic well being and social welfare of the public.


A vote was taken and the recommendation carried (with 2 abstentions).




THAT: Council approve the Herefordshire Council and NHS Herefordshire Joint Corporate Plan vision, objectives and long-term outcomes as set out in the revised Appendix 1 to the report and as circulated at the Council meeting.

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