Agenda item


For:      Advantage  West Midlands per Mr Stuart Wenman, P & P West Midlands, Centrix @ Keys, Keys Business Village, Keys Park Road, Hednesford, Staffs, WS12 2HA


Ward: Three Elms


The Central Team Leader presented a report about an application for outline planning permission for the construction of new B1/B2/B8 industrial/warehouse units together with associated works to create service yards, car parking and access improvements. The effect of these works would be to redevelop the redundant core of the industrial estate and to create a more vibrant and commercially viable environment. One of the key strategic objectives in redeveloping the site was to provide for viable and attractive alternative accommodation to meet the needs of local businesses relocating from the Edgar Street Grid regeneration area.  He advised that although some of the open space would be lost, it would still include a reasonable amount of formal and informal open space.  He added that at present the area was the subject of anti-social behaviour and vandalism and that the scheme would help to overcome this.  He also drew attention to the fact that there was a considerable area of open space within easy walking distance nearby which had good access links for local residents.  He presented the following updates which had been received since the preparation of the report:




Valuation & Estates Manager – the capital receipt from the sale of this piece of Public Open Space (POS) will go in its entirety to the provision of improved facilities in the area. The proposed disposal of the POS was publicly advertised at the time the decision to sell the land to the Advantage West Midlands was made. There were only a few enquiries from the local residents as a consequence of the process, which were all in support of the proposal


Environmental Health & Trading Standards Manager – I have no objection to the development proposed in principle, however in order to protect the amenity of nearby residents with regards noise, I would ask that a condition be placed on the permission for a Noise Scheme to be agreed with the Planning Authority prior to occupation of the units.  


Environment Agency – No objection by suggest the use of conditions to ensure that issues of flooding, contaminated land and watercourse protection are properly addressed.



The comments of the Environmental Health & Trading Standards Manager and the Environment Agency are noted and those additional conditions are recommended.



Take out reference to ‘The Environment Agency’ and substitute ‘Sports England’ in the recommendation.


In accordance with the procedure for public speaking, Mr Watts, a local resident spoke against the application because of the loss of amenity land and the adverse impact he felt that it would have on the adjoining residential area. 


Councillors PA Andrews and AN Toon, two of the Local Ward Members, spoke in favour of the application, drawing attention to the many years of complaints about anti-social behaviour, vandalism and theft which had been received from local residents whose properties adjoined the site.  They asked for local residents to be kept informed about the proposals for the multi-use games area and landscaping which would be included in the scheme.  Councillor Toon also drew attention to the lack of amenity space in the northern part of the City and asked for asked for any S.106 funds raised for this purpose to be invested in that area.  Councillor Cutter  pointed out the importance of ensuring that the recreation areas were also available for those who would be working on the site.  Councillor GFM Dawe was opposed to the scheme because of the loss of trees, shrubs and amenity area.  He did not feel that making provision for those displaced from the Edgar Street Grid was a sufficient reason for the loss of amenity land.


Having carefully considered all the points raised about the application, the Committee whilst mindful of the loss of some open space, felt that there were more advantages to be gained for local businesses and the community.  As well as business units, there would still be a fair amount of recreational and amenity land, with good links to a large area of amenity land nearby.   




Subject to there being no material objection from Sports England by the end of the consultation period, the officers named in the Scheme of Delegation to Officers be authorised to approve the application subject to the following conditions and any further conditions considered necessary by officers, an also those recommended by the Environment Agency and by the Environmental Health & Trading Standards Manager:



A02 Time limit for submission of reserved matters (outline permission)



A03 Time limit for commencement (outline permission)



A04 Approval of reserved matters



A05 Plans and particulars of reserved matters



H18 On site roads - submission of details



H29 Covered and secure cycle parking provision



H30 Travel Plans



I32 Details of floodlighting/external lighting



L02 No surface water to connect to public system



L03 No drainage run-off to public system



L04 Comprehensive & Integrated draining of site



Full particulars and detailed plans, sections and elevations of the proposed development, including the items below, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority before any works are commenced:


i.               The siting of all the building(s) in relation to the site boundaries and adjoining buildings including neighbouring residential properties.



ii.               The design of the building(s) (including floor space, height, massing, internal layout, treatment of the roof and external appearance together with details of facing materials to be used and their colour and texture).


iii.             The means of access to the building(s).


iv.             The use of any part of the site not covered by building(s) and the treatment thereof (including hard and soft landscaping, i.e. planting, paving, walls and fences).


v.               The extent and position of accommodation for the parking and loading and unloading of vehicles.


vi.             The level of each floor of the building(s) in relation to the site measured from an external datum point.


Reason: To define the terms under which this outline planning permission is granted and to ensure that the proposed development is not detrimental to the visual or residential amenity of the wider locality so as to comply with Policies DR1, DR2, DR3 and DR4 of the Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan 2007.



No development whatsoever shall take place until a ‘Construction Method Statement’ has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.  The approved Statement shall be adhered to throughout the construction period.  The Statement shall provide for:


i.                 The hours when building operations will occur.  (Note: In any event the local planning authority will not allow this to exceed the following times: Monday-Friday 7.00 am-6.00pm, Saturday 8.00 am-1.00 pm or at any time on Sundays, Bank or Public Holidays).


ii.               The parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors.


iii.             Loading and unloading of plant and materials.


iv.             Storage of plant and materials used in constructing the development.


v.               The erection and maintenance of site security hoardings, where appropriate.


vi.             Wheel washing facilities.


vii.           Measures to control the emission of dust and dirt during construction.


viii.         A scheme for recycling/disposing of waste resulting from demolition and construction works.


Reason: To define the terms under which this outline planning permission is granted and to ensure that the proposed development is not detrimental to the environmental or residential amenity of the wider locality so as to comply with Policies DR1, DR2, DR4 and DR13 of the Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan 2007.



No development shall take place until the following has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority:


a)              A ‘desk study’ report including previous site and adjacent site uses, potential contaminants arising from those uses, possible sources, pathways and receptors, a conceptual model and a risk assessment in accordance with current best practice.


b)              If the risk assessment in (a) confirms the possibility of a significant pollutant linkage(s), a site investigation should be undertaken to characterise fully the nature and extent and severity of contamination, incorporating a conceptual model of all the potential pollutant linkages and an assessment of risks to identified receptors.


c)              If the risk assessment in (b) identifies unacceptable risk(s) a detailed scheme specifying remedial works and measures necessary to avoid risk from contaminants/or gases when the site is developed.  The Remediation Scheme shall include consideration of and proposals to deal with situations where, during works on site, contamination is encountered which has not previously been identified.  Any further contamination encountered shall be fully assessed and an appropriate remediation scheme submitted to the local planning authority for written approval.


Reason:  To ensure that potential contamination of the site is satisfactorily assessed and to comply with Policy DR10 of Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan.



The Remediation Scheme, as approved pursuant to condition no. 14 above, shall be fully implemented before development is first occupied.  On completion of the remediation scheme the developer shall provide a validation report to confirm that all works were completed in accordance with the agreed details, which must be submitted before the development is first occupied.  Any variation to the scheme including the validation reporting shall be agreed in writing with the local planning authority in advance of works being undertaken.


Reason: To ensure contamination of the site is removed or contained and to comply with Policy DR10 of Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan.





N01 Access for all



N03 Adjoining property rights



N04 Rights of way



N05 Council ownership



N08 Advertisements



N10 Council contract



N11C General



W02 Welsh Water rights of access



W01 Welsh Water Connection to PSS



N19 Avoidance of doubt - Approved Plans



N15 Reason(s) for the Grant of PP/LBC/CAC



Supporting documents: