Agenda item


Construction of temporary changing room and associated works.


Construction of temporary changing room and associated works.


The Principal Planning Officer reported the following:


5 further letters had been received from local residents expressing concern at the location of the changing rooms relative to their dwellings.  The content reiterated the concerns expressed by the objector at paragraph 5.2 of the case officer’s report.  All of the objectors concluded that the proposal would be more acceptable were the changing rooms relocated to a position whereby they were not visible from the properties in Bell Place.  The detrimental visual impact of an essentially temporary structure was referred to, as was the propensity for future security issues, vandalism and parking issues during match days.


A sixth letter had been received from Mr Haywood, 6 Abbotts Close.  This explained that the grass verge and planting from the edge of Abbotts Close to the boundary of the rugby field was maintained by the owners of 1-6 Abbotts Close as a management committee.  Concern was expressed at the existing problems associated with spill over parking arising from the use of the playing fields, which lead to damage to the verge and issues around access to property.  Whilst the management committee had no objection to the facilities, it questioned why the level of parking had been so reduced compared to the 2003 planning permission and recommended that the parking provision be reappraised.


The Principal Planning Officer made the following comments, circulated to all attendees in the updates sheet.


The rationale for the chosen location for the changing rooms is given at section 5.3 of the case officer’s report and is the same as under the 2003 planning permission (albeit that the current proposal is for a larger building).  The reduction in the number of car parking places proposed reflects the desire to increase the use of sustainable modes of transport by those accessing the site and has been undertaken on the advice of the Council’s highways department.  The Rugby Club has also indicated that a club member could be employed as a traffic steward on match days so as to ensure no parking on Abbotts Close.


Councillor RH Smith noted the concerns raised by the local residents but felt that these could be addressed trough suitable conditions, he also noted the support of the Parish Council. He drew members’ attention to the proposed amendments to condition 5 of the recommendation and felt that the application should be approved.




That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:


1          A01 Time limit for commencement (full permission)


2          H07 Single access - outline consent


3          H13 Access, turning area and parking


4          H29 Secure covered cycle parking provision


5          H30 Travel plans (including reference to parking management plan)


6          Prior to the first use of the changing rooms hereby approved a barrier shall be erected across the vehicular access in order to prevent access by coaches.  The barrier shall be installed and retained thereafter in accordance with details to be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.


Reason:  In the interests of highway safety and the free flow of traffic so as to comply with Policy DR3 of the Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan.


7          The floor levels of the changing rooms hereby approved shall be set at 33.43m AOD, in accordance with the submitted Flood Risk Assessment (BMW266/FRA, dated 06/01/09).


Reason:  To protect the development from flooding in accordance with Policy DR7 of the Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan.


8          The development permitted shall only be carried out in accordance with the submitted Flood Risk Assessment (BMW266/FRA, dated 06/01/09).


Reason: To prevent the increased risk of flooding and provide water quality benefits by ensuring the provision of a satisfactory means of surface water disposal.


9          C09 Details of cladding (agricultural and industrial buildings)




1          N15 Reason(s) for the Grant of Planning Permission


2          N19 Avoidance of doubt - Approved Plans

Supporting documents: