Agenda item

Safer Roads Partnership and Speed Limit Review Update

  1. To provide Members with an overview of the work of the West Mercia Safer Roads Partnership and its role in helping deliver Herefordshire Council’s road safety strategy;


  1. To update Members on progress for a workshop on the review of the road safety strategy; and


  1. To provide an update to Members on the progress of the review of Speed Limits and respond to specific questions raised following the report on this subject to the 23 March 2009 meeting.


The Chairman referred to the following question from Mrs J Wadge, Ross-on-Wye:

Following a traffic count made at 2 crossings to Morrisons - one at Millpond Street and one further along Station Street in Ross-on-Wye, it was reported in the local paper in February 2008 that both crossings had been approved, and funding was being sought. What is the latest position regarding the provision of these pedestrian crossings? Will they be installed by Spring 2010?


Written response from: Lead Engineer (Traffic) | Local Government - Amey


Further to your enquiry re the crossings in Millpond Street and Station Street, Ross on Wye, talks are ongoing with Morrisons who are currently planning to extend their store and as part of the section 106 agreement have agreed to provide the two crossings along with a number of other improvements in the area.  Unfortunately I am not aware of the time scale although I understand that it may be in the New Year.


Mrs Wadge thanked the Committee for the response.


The Committee were provided with: an overview of the West Mercia Safer Roads Partnership (SRP) and its role in helping deliver Herefordshire Council’s road safety strategy; an update on proposals for a workshop on the review of the road safety strategy and an update on the progress of the review of Speed limits, and responses to specific questions raised on this subject at the meeting held 23 March 2009.


The agenda report set out the partnership members and outlined the work of the partnership, including its role in helping the Council deliver the Council’s road safety strategy.  To take into account the emerging national strategy, the report also identified a need to review the road safety strategy and proposed a workshop for all Council Members to contribute to the review process.


At the meeting a supplementary paper was issued based on answering a number of questions raised at the March 2009 meeting concerning: the review of speed limits in accordance with Department for Transport Circular 1/2006; issues around setting a whole estate urban speed limit and new traffic calming initiatives in Hampshire.


Mr R Reynolds, Chief Operating Officer for the West Midlands Safer Roads Partnership provided the Committee with an update on the work of the SRP in Herefordshire and progress on implementing recommendations arising from an Audit Commission review of the SRP.


During the course of debate the following principal points were noted:


  • Two community concern sites had so far been identified for Herefordshire as part of the new community concern pilot scheme.  An outline of the criteria used for identifying these sites was given.
  • There is a need to create a greater culture of speed compliance and one aspect of the work of the SRP was to co-ordinate education work with other services and ensure a joined up approach between Councils and partners through the Local Area Agreement (LAA).
  • To ensure a coordinated approach the SRP had established the Operations Forum which included representatives from all of the key partners.
  • An overview of the financing of the SRP was given and the Committee noted that a potential budget deficit was being addressed.
  • A range of approaches were being taken to address youth drink drivers, particularly during late night / early morning hours.
  • The ‘Take Control’ training for motorcyclists is a successful, innovative, flagship scheme match funded by the Department of Transport.  However, it received limited take-up by young drivers in Herefordshire.
  • The Committee noted that where areas had street lighting there was no requirement to erect speed limit repeater signs. The Committee considered that the advisability of this should be taken up with the government.
  • The Director of Environment and Culture reported that, apart from the often tragic effect to human life, accidents were costly to emergency services, health services and local authority.  117 sites had been identified in the County where improved signing/marking or intervention works could be undertaken to improve road safety.  He reported that he was working up a bid to the Herefordshire Partnership for funding through the LPSA to undertake some of these works on the basis that savings could be made in the long term. 
  • While the SRP worked with, and helped co-ordinate the work of, other agencies it was emphasised that each agency had specific operational areas of responsibility.
  • Data from a wide number of sources, including the police ‘mosaic’ system was used by the SRP to build a picture, by post code, of speed offences and accidents in the area to enable more focused enforcement or education work in an area.
  • The 2008 road accident survey had been used to inform the role out of a programme of low cost accident prevention schemes at high risk areas.
  • The Cabinet Member (Highways and Transportation) reported that a close working relationship existed with the SRP to promote driver education.  He also commented that attending the Road Peace Remembrance service at the Cathedral had been a poignant reminder of the number of accidents on the roads.
  • Questioned on the Audit Commission inspection and resultant action plan Mr Reynolds informed the Committee that an action plan had been put in place to address the identified issues and the plan was reviewed every quarter.
  • While there was a general downward trend in the number of deaths or serious accidents in the County it was reported that indications from the government review of the Road Safety Strategy, covering the next ten years, was that the targets would get tighter.  The Cabinet Member (Highways and Transportation) warned that unfortunately due to the number of deaths so far, this years target was unlikely to be exceeded.
  • In relation to the speed limit review the Assistant Director of Environment and Culture reported that a lot of work had been undertaken in recent years and the review would build on that work. In essence it was about getting the right speed limits in the right areas and ensuring the public understood the reasons for the limits.  Following the transfer of highways to Amey Herefordshire under the MAC agreement, Amey would be undertaking the review.  Mr M Thomas, Service Director, Amey Herefordshire, reported that the review was being scoped and that the review would be delivered by December 2011.  Members expressed concern at the length of time to undertake the review.  The Assistant Director assured the Committee that speed limit work would be ongoing while the review was underway.
  • The Chairman acknowledged the attendance of two representatives from Pixley Parish Council and requested that the Assistant Director Environment and Culture re-examine the speed and safety issues first brought to Committee 24 November 2008 in relation to the current safer roads programme.


The Chairman thanked Mr R Reynolds and Mr T Pooler, Safer Roads Partnership, for attending and answering the Committee questions.  He invited the Partnership to attend the March 2010 meeting to give a further update.



A)     the report be noted and the Committee supports the Director of Environment & Culture’s bid to Herefordshire Partnership for LPSA capital funding to undertake additional highway engineering works;

B)     the Director of Environment & Culture consider taking up with Government the issue of speed limit repeater roundels;

C)    The Road Safety Partnership be invited to the March 2010 meeting to further update the Committee on their work;

D)    The Assistant Director Environment & Culture is requested to further examine the speed and safety issues previously raised by Pixley Parish Council

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