Agenda item

Amendments to School Planned Admission Numbers

To consider changes to the Planned Admission Numbers at Kingsland CE Primary, Aylestone High School and Fairfield High School.



The Forum considered a report presented by the Admissions and Transport Manager regarding proposed changes in the Planned Admission Numbers at Kingsland CE school, Aylestone High school and Fairfield High school.


The Admissions and Transport Manager informed the Forum that following the views of the Forum regarding the proposed changes in PANs for each school, the PANs would be put in place in September 2010.


In answer to a Member’s question, the Admissions and Transport Manager informed the Forum that in accordance with the new Admissions Code which came into force in February 2009, providing a school was able to take pupil numbers, a place would be granted whether the child is in the catchment area of the school or not. He reminded Members that the decisions of the Forum with regard to Kingsland CE Primary School, Aylestone High school and Fairfield High School would form part of the consultation process with schools in future.

A Member asked why some proposals for increases to PAN at schools were not supported by the officers and some are supported. The Admissions and Transport Manager informed Members that the new Admissions Code dictates that when a request is received for a popular school and provided that the school can take the number, the place will be granted.


A Member expressed the view that the current Admissions Code did not help the falling admission numbers in certain schools.


A discussion took place regarding the current pupil numbers that schools were able to take before there was a need to request an increase to PAN. Members also noted that outside of this factor, schools were bound to admit pupils as a result of the appeals process. 


A Member was of the view that schools generally did not know the full implications of the new Admissions code as it affects pupil admissions.


A Member suggested that where the Forum changes a PAN that schools should be notified of such changes through Cluster groups. The Assistant Director Planning, Performance and Development advised that if it was decided that all schools should be notified of PAN changes or oversubscription , that notification should be to made ‘on line’ to all schools.


At this point Mr C Barker, Headteacher at Fairfield High school, remained in the meeting but did not vote or participate in the decision relating to the request for a change in PAN for Fairfield High school.


Mrs J Baker, Governor of Kingstone High school, remained in the meeting but did not vote relating to the request for a change in PAN for Fairfield High school. She informed the Forum of the High school’s objections to the proposed increase in the PAN of Fairfield High school. She emphasised that any decision to increase the PAN of Fairfield High school could result in pupil numbers falling at Kingstone High school as a consequence and possible teacher redundancies.


In answer to a Member’s question, the Admissions and Transport Manager informed Members that future pupil number projections indicated that 60 per cent would be taken from the school’s catchment area with the remainder being taken from outside that area.


The Planning and Access Manager informed the Forum that there was no significant house building planned for the Fairfield catchment area.


A Member referred to instances where a number of parents with children of special needs have requested a place at Fairfield School but did not always get a place at that school. The Admissions and Transport Manager reminded the Forum that where parents of Statemented children request a place at a particular school, the school is bound to take those children.


A Member was of the view that there did not seem to be sufficient information contained within the report on the impact that the increase in PAN at Fairfield High school would have on other schools and that such information should be an integral part of reports to the Forum where schools request a change to their PAN.


A Member reminded the Forum that appeals against Forum decisions to change school PANs can be made to the Schools Adjudicator.






(i)                 the changes to the Planned Admission Numbers at Kingsland CE school, Aylestone High school and Fairfield High school as set out in the report be approved; and


(ii)        in future, reports to the Admissions Forum regarding requests for permission to increase Planned Admission Numbers must contain information on the impact that such changes could have on other schools.


Following the above decision relating to Fairfield High school, Mr C Barker returned to the meeting.







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