Agenda item


To receive the report and to consider any recommendations to Council arising from the meetings held on:


(a)       12th and 19th June and 10th July, 2003.; and


(b)       17th July, 2003.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor R.J. Phillips presented the report of the meetings of Cabinet held on 12th and 19th June and 10th July, 2003 and the supplementary report of the meeting held on 17th July, 2003.  He advised that questions on the Members' Allowances Scheme would be dealt with at Agenda Item 13 - report of the Independent Remuneration Panel.


Main Report


In relation to Item 9.1(ii) - Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan (UDP) - Handling The Response - following a request that Councillor Fleet, the Chairman of the Central Area Planning Sub-Committee be included as a member of the Member Working Group set up to consider representations on the deposit draft Unitary Development Plan the Leader indicated that he was prepared to accept a reference back to enable further consideration to be given to the issue of membership.  The Cabinet Member (Environment) assured Council that all Members would be consulted by the Working Group when issues specific to their wards were being considered.


In relation to Item 9.1(iv) - Integrated Waste Management Contract - in response to a request for an update the Leader reminded Council that this matter had been dealt with in confidential session because it contained commercially sensitive information.    The current joint PFI contract with Worcestershire County Council was based on continued use of landfill situated within Worcestershire, pending establishment of recycling and the provision of an energy from waste plant involving incineration.  The failure to establish the intended incineration capacity made the current contract with its dependence on landfill unsustainable in the long term.  New methods of disposal were continuing to be investigated and the standby date in the contract was currently extended to September 2003.


In relation to Item 13.1(ii) - Joint Review of Social Services for Herefordshire - Councillor T.M. James congratulated the former Cabinet Member (Social Care) Councillor Mrs. Bew and the former Chairman of the Social Care and Housing Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Mrs. Barnett together with Mrs. Fiennes, the Director of Social Care and Strategic Housing and her staff for the work undertaken over the previous year which led to a very positive report.  Councillor Mrs. Bew registered her appreciation of the support she had enjoyed from the Social Care staff and from Councillor Mrs. Barnett in her previous role as Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee.  Councillor Mrs. Barnett, in turn, acknowledged the work carried out by Councillor Mrs. Bew and looked forward to continuing co-operation with her in their new roles.


Supplementary Report


In relation to Item 1.1(i) Herefordshire Matters - in response to a question, the Leader took the opportunity of advising Council that Local Area Forums had not been disbanded but were not sitting pending completion of the review.  He emphasised that engaging the public was vitally important but it must be done in a cost effective way.  Some support was expressed for the continuance of Herefordshire Matters.


In relation to Item 2.1(i) Replacement Swimming Pool for North Herefordshire - Councillor J.P. Thomas welcomed Cabinet decision to provide a replacement swimming pool following the closure of the Sydonia Swimming Pool in March 2002.  He said that the project enjoyed massive public support as evidenced by the numbers who had attended the demonstration in Leominster, signed the petition and attended the Council meeting.  The Leader advised that the pool could be one of the most cost effective in the country, with the added benefit of bringing vitality back to Leominster.  He agreed that it would match many of the ambitions of the Herefordshire Plan.  The Cabinet Member (Community and Social Development) also thanked the public for their support, enthusiasm and goodwill and advised that the project should proceed as quickly as possible.


In relation to Item 3.1(i) - Edgar Street Grid Masterplan - In response to several questions, Councillor G.V. Hyde, Cabinet Member (Economic Development, Markets and Property) advised that mixed retail use was only one aspect of a scheme which covered a 100 acre site and that although some funding would be available from Advantage West Midlands for the redevelopment scheme considerable further sums were still needed.  Introduction of retail uses would help the overall economic viability of the scheme.  He confirmed that any scheme would be subject to the normal planning processes.  Disquiet was expressed by some Members who feared that the City's cultural and historic aspects would suffer as a result of another supermarket being introduced.  Councillor Hyde reminded Council that the proposed scheme was being used as a basis for further consultation and nothing was being ruled out at this stage.  He acknowledged that further work needed to be done on various aspects, including a multiplex cinema which would depend on an operator being found, and particularly on transportation issues.  This would include opportunities to link rail, road and public transport systems.  Particular care would need to be taken at the bottom of Aylestone Hill which already experience significant road difficulties.  He agreed to let the local Member know how many members of the public had responded during the initial consultation exercise.


In answer to a further query about planning applications for other retail sites in the City he said it would not be possible to prejudge any planning applications at this stage and all would be dealt with on their merits.


The Leader said that it was rare for an historic city to get the opportunity to redevelop such a large and important site and the Council must ensure it made the most of that opportunity.


RESOLVED:                        That the reports of the meetings of Cabinet held on 12th and 19th June and 10th and 17th July, 2003 be received and the recommendations set out below be adopted:


That    (a)            the Best Value Performance Plan be approved;

            (b) the revised draft Constitution be approved subject to minor textual amendments; and

            (c)        the membership of the UDP Member Working Group be reconsidered by Cabinet.

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