Agenda item


Proposed change of use to a dwelling.


Proposed change of use to a dwelling.


The Senior Planning Officer reported that a further letter of objection had been received from a neighbouring resident reiterating comments regarding public access rights.  Attention was drawn to the recommended informative note on this matter.


Councillor PJ Watts, one of the Local Ward Members, said that since its construction the existing community centre had not been used to its full potential and he welcomed the development as an alternative to allowing the building to fall into a state of disrepair.


Councillor ME Cooper, another of the Local Ward Members, agreed that the building had not been used to its full potential and she had not witnessed its occupation since a local nursery group stopped meeting there.


Councillor RJ Phillips said that whilst he respected the knowledge of the Local Ward Members, he was reluctant to support the closure of such a community facility. He said that community cohesion was vital and that in future, there may be the need for such a facility.


Councillor A Seldon pointed out that of the letters received from neighbouring residents, none related to the loss of community facilities. Nevertheless, he felt such centres were important to the communities they served.


Councillor R Mills said that Ledbury had experienced a similar problem when another nearby estate was constructed with a shop which was intended to serve the community. He added that the shop closed down very quickly as it was not profitable because the community did not use it enough. He said that he felt the population of Ledbury was not big enough to justify several community centres so saw merit in supporting the application.


Councillor TM James said that a similar facility existed in his own ward and questioned why this site was not fit for purpose. He said that such facilities were necessary for vibrant small communities.


In response to Members’ concerns, the Senior Planning Officer said that planning officers always try to keep community facilities where possible as they were aware of their value to communities.  However he also said that several alternative uses were suggested by local developers but all were considered to be unsuitable due to the size, location and other limitations of the site. He said that for a community hall, the site was not large enough so would be unable to accommodate activities such as sports, which is one of the reasons for its unpopularity.


The Principal Planning Officer said that a new informative could be added to ensure that it was made clear that the loss of community facilities was normally contrary to existing policy but the specific circumstances of this  site were unique . He added that this would address the concern that a precedent might be set.


Members agreed that the loss of such a community facility was regrettable but because of its size, lack of parking and under use were minded to grant planning permission.





That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:


1.      A01 (Time limit for commencement (full permission)) - 12 Months


         Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


2.            F14 (Removal of permitted development rights)


         Reason:  In order to protect the character and amenity of the locality, to maintain the amenities of adjoining property and to comply with Policy H18 of Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan.




1.      N15 - Reason(s) for the Grant of Planning Permission


2.      N19 - Avoidance of doubt - Approved Plans


3.      The existing civil legal rights enjoyed by the owner/occupiers of adjacent residential properties in respect of maintenance and access must be respected.


4.      The reasons why the Local Planning Authority have granted permission are summarised as follows:-


·         The existing community hall facility is not “fit for purpose” – it is too small not suitable for a range and has very limited parking provision;

·         The existing community hall facility is in such close proximity to neighbouring dwellings it is only suitable for a very limited range of activities;

·         The existing community hall facility is not adaptable or easily extendable;

·         Whilst not a planning matter the existing community hall facility is privately owned;

·         There are other community hall facilities within Ledbury that are readily accessible from the New Mills estate;

·         There is continuing evidence that the facility is no longer required or that there is a demand or need for such a facility in this location.


As such the proposed development was considered to comply with policy CF6 (1 & 3).



Supporting documents: