Agenda item

School Task Group Paper

To consider the consultation paper produced by the School Task Group on the future of schools.


The Committee were invited to note and comment on the progress made by the Schools Task Group (STG) and the proposals for the consultation process for the STG paper.


The Director of Children’s Services reported that the Schools Task Group, lead by an independent chair, had met with the purpose of drafting a paper outlining the next steps in the planning of educational provision in the County.  The STG paper had been reported to Cabinet on 24 September and copies of the STG paper had been issued to Committee members prior to the meeting. Cabinet on 24 September approved the process and timescale for consultation on Schools Task Group paper, noted the process followed and progress made by the Schools Task Group in preparing the paper for consultation; and agreed that a further report be presented to Cabinet in November 2009.


The Director further reported that in a relatively short time period the STG had considered the major challenges facing the County being: the priority to continually improve the quality of educational outcomes; the impacts of falling rolls, surplus capacity and parental preference; financial realities and changes in school workforce.


The Cabinet Member (ICT Education and Achievement) commented that this was not just about closing schools but working to engage the public in the challenges that schools must face.  The Cabinet Member (Children’s Services) commented that representation concerning the low funding to Herefordshire would continue to be made at the f40 Group which represented a group of the poorest funded education authorities in England.  On this point the Director agreed that while greater financial equality with other authorities should be sought, the County still needed to tackle the problem of falling pupil numbers.


Having attended a recent seminar for Council Members on the content of the consultation paper, a member complemented the Task Group on their work and the consultation paper produced.  Other members agreed that the issue needed to be tackled in a realistic manor.


Questioned on whether account would be taken of the new homes proposed for Herefordshire the Committee were informed that regular meetings were held with colleagues in the Planning Service to ensure that the latest position could be included in considerations.


A point was made that accurate estimates of future pupil numbers was essential as once a school had been closed or mothballed it would be very difficult to reopen.  The Director of Children’s Services reported that the current indications were that for the foreseeable future pupil numbers were unlikely to return to the high levels of recent years.


The Committee noted that an increasing number of schools were experiencing financial problems and were receiving support, which was to the detriment of other schools.  The current intention to continue the Small Schools Policy was noted.


RESOLVED: That the Committee

(a)   agreed with the process and timescale for consultation on the Schools Task Group paper;

(b)   agreed with the process followed and progress made by the Schools Task Group in preparing the paper for consultation;

(c)   be kept informed of progress.