Agenda item

RE in the Curriculum - consultation documents for discussion and feedback

SACRE will be asked to consider and provide feedback on the following consultation documents from the DCSF:


a)        RE in English Schools: Non-statutory guidance 2009

b)        New Primary Curriculum


Note: Copies of the above documents have already been provided to Members of SACRE and are available to the public via the consultation section of the DCSF web site at 


The Consultant for RE set the scene regarding the ongoing national reviews of primary education.  She reported that one of SACRE’s key roles was to advise the Local Authority on RE provision in accordance with the agreed syllabus. She reminded SACRE that RE was the one curriculum area that is required by law but determined and delivered locally and that this provision, through the Locally Agreed Syllabus, is subject to review every five years.


The consultant went on to explain that a national consultation was currently underway on the final report of the Rose Review of the Primary curriculum and the role of RE within it, and on the paper ‘RE in English Schools: Non Statutory Guidance 2009’  - a review of the government guidance on RE (formerly known as circular 1/94) Changes arising from these will take effect from September 2011. These proposals will impact on the review the Herefordshire Agreed Syllabus to begin in Autumn 09 as the syllabus would need to take account of the new primary school curriculum.


Members were then taken through the detailed consultation responses drafted by the Consultant for RE and various points were discussed. The consultant informed members that the new guidance would replace government circular number 1/94 which was in need of updating.


After a brief discussion, SACRE agreed with the responses drafted by the Consultant and asked that they be formally submitted by the Clerk to QCA who were carrying out the survey on behalf of the DCSF.  In particular the discussion focused on how the  progression statements in the draft Programme of Learning for Religious Education in the primary school appeared to be dominated by  “learning about” religion  (AT1) outcomes. SACRE expressed their concern at this.


They also felt that the issue of funding for SACREs, as a statutory body, had not been adequately addressed in the new RE guidance (RE in English Schools: Non Statutory Guidance 2009’). Whilst the document made it clear that Local Authorities were required to ‘fund a SACRE and an ASC satisfactorily in line with the duty to convene each of these bodies’ it did not make it clear how a Local Authority could do this.


The consultant went on to explain the significance of the new Primary Curriculum for Religious Education. She said that six key area of learning had been identified in the document and that RE was not explicitly referred to in any area. This anomaly was due to the unique status of RE.  The report focused only on the National Curriculum subjects.  RE is part of the Basic Curriculum required in all schools, but, as it is determined locally, it is not part of the National Curriculum.


SACRE expressed their concern that Religious Education would be overlooked and may be marginalised in the new curriculum and they asked that this concern be expressed in their response to the consultation.  SACRE also expressed concern that the statutory position of RE in the school curriculum had not been stated clearly in the report. They agreed that members should inform as many colleagues in the RE field as possible about the consultation so that this important document is responded to as widely as possible. Members also requested that a strongly worded letter be written to the QCA outlining their concerns as soon as possible.




(a)   the responses to the two consultations be submitted to the QCA; and


(b)   A Letter be drafted to the QCA highlighting SACRE’s concerns.