Agenda item


To receive an update on actions to achieve the Safeguarding Action Plan.


The Committee were updated on recent changes and improvements in aspects of safeguarding young people following on from the independent report of local services by Steve Love in autumn 2008, and also taking account of issues arising from national events after ‘Baby P’ and the Laming report.


The Director of Children’s Services presented the agenda report and highlighted that following the independent review by Steve Love the Herefordshire Safeguarding Children’s Board (HSCB) had identified a number of areas for improvement including the integration of various action plans.  The HSCB had been restructured to improve strategic leadership and ensure high level commitment from appropriate agencies which had provided a fresh impetus to the Board.  A number of high level staff changes had been made in the Department, however, in common with other authorities, there were still recruitment and retention issues around social workers. A high volume of work was involved in Serious Case Reviews (SCR).   While the Service had assisted with out of county cases, one case identified in the County was now nearing conclusion.  Unfortunately a further in-County Serious Case Review had been initiated.  The HSCB ensured that lessons learned from such cases were noted and that action plans were drawn up and local services were improved.


The Committee noted that the HSCB is a statutory body that reported to the Children’s Trust.   The Scrutiny Committee was able to monitor performance via the Performance Digest (see later Minute 13).


The Director of Children’s Services reported that following the Laming Report and arising out of SCRs the reinforcement of effective information sharing practices had been identified and a protocol would be drawn up with appropriate training to ensure all staff were familiar with the requirements.  The Committee requested to be kept informed of progress with the protocol and expressed a view that improved data sharing should be a priority and needed a speedy resolution. The Cabinet Member (ICT Education and Achievement) commented that a degree of information sharing was possible at the moment, however, not all ICT systems could be configured to share with each other.  A Member commented that the Council’s Data Sharing Policy lacked clarity.


Concern was expressed that two actions were marked ‘no data’ (para 16 in the report) However, the Committee noted that one quarters data had been unavailable due to staff changes within the new team.


Responding to questions on the implementation of Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checks (referred to at agenda page 76 - action 3.3 – Safeguarding Action Plan) the Director of Children’s Services reported that a phased approach was underway to check and update staff/Members CRB checks.  A new national system obviating the need for multiple checks to be undertaken was expected to be introduced in the autumn.


The Director of Children’s Services reminded the Committee that the Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA) was due later in the year and that annual, unannounced safeguarding visits to local authority contact, referral and assessment centres could take place any time soon.



a)        the report be noted and Members be informed by briefing note of progress in drafting a Locally Agreed Protocol on Information Sharing;

b)        a briefing note be circulated updating on how the phased approach to undertaking CRB checks was progressing; and

c)        the ease and security of information sharing between key partners in the County should be a priority and needs a speedy resolution and the Chairman and Vic-Chairman be kept informed of progress.

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