Agenda item

Amendments to School Planned Admission Numbers

To consider changes to the Planned Admission Numbers (PAN) at Queen Elizabeth Humanities College, Bodenham St Michael’s Primary, Burley Gate Primary, Llangrove Primary, Madley Primary and Kingsland Primary Schools.



The Admissions and Transport Manager presented a report proposing changes to the Planned Admission Numbers (PAN) at Queen Elizabeth Humanities College, Bodenham St Michael’s Primary, Burley Gate Primary, Llangrove Primary, Madley Primary and Kingsland Primary Schools.

The Forum discussed criteria for the possibility of allowing any application for the increase in PAN. It was noted that for any school to achieve an increase in PAN, the school would need show a physical capability in the school buildings structure to enable such an increase. The Forum was informed that Madley Primary school and Kingsland CE Primary school were aware that the Admissions and Transport Manager was in dispute with both schools with regard to the schools physical capability.

The Head of Performance, Planning and Development referred to a recent meeting with headteachers, Cabinet members and officers. He made particular reference to a request that had been made at that meeting for a briefing note to be circulated on the content of the new School Admissions Code in respect of admissions in excess of a school’s PAN. The Code came into effect from February 2009. The local authority’s interpretation of applying the new Admissions Code to admissions above PAN was also set out in the briefing note. A copy of the briefing note that was circulated to headteachers was tabled at the meeting and is attached to the agenda papers.

The Admissions and Transport Manager emphasised that as part of the new admissions code, from September 2010 the local authority would be responsible for in year transfers at maintained schools, voluntary aided schools, Foundation schools and academies and ensuring fair access protocols.

With regard to a member’s question, the Head of Performance, Planning and Development acknowledged that the relaxation in the code for admitting pupils up to a total of 27 over PAN in a three year period was unclear as to whether upheld education appeals should be included.

A Member referred to the new oversubscription criteria and asked why John Kyrle High school had been allowed to extend its PAN to include a further year group and another school building. The Head of Performance, Planning and Development circulated an additional briefing note which detailed the reasons for the decision to temporarily admit an additional form of entry to year 7 in September 2009 at John Kyrle High School. He informed the Forum that there was no trend to suggest that there was a requirement to change the PAN for the high schooland that this had been made clear in discussions with the high school. The Member was concerned that the agreement to the oversubscription would create a precedent.



(i)                 the requests for PAN reductions at Queen  Elizabeth Humanities College, Bromyard, St Michael’s CE Primary School, Burley Gate CE School and Llangrove CE School as set out in the report be approved;

(ii)               the increase in PAN at Madley Primary school be refused;

(iii)             the physical capability for capacity to increase the PAN at Kingsland CE Primary school  be re-examined and should the physical capability be confirmed as insufficient, the application be refused;

(iv)             the Briefing notes circulated regarding the new school Admissions Code in respect of admissions in excess of PAN and John Kyrle High School be noted;

(v)               further investigation be made to clarify whether upheld education appeals are included in the  cumulative total of admissions above PAN over a three year period; and

(vi)             the points raised by members regarding admissions over PAN be noted.

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