Agenda item

Flooding of Roads and Properties in Herefordshire - Various Aspects

To provide information to the Committee on recent flooding events as requested in the meeting of 24th November 2008 and resultant actions.



The Committee were provided with information on the recent flooding events in the County as requested by the Committee on 24 November 2008, and the resultant actions from those events.


The Acting Construction Manager presented the report which briefly set out the impact of the 2007 and 2008 flooding in the County; the Council’s response to those events; the resultant data collection and analysis and the range of actions arising since those events.  She commented that the 2007 events (June and July) were unusual both in their intensity, causing flash flooding as opposed to the frequently occurring fluvial events, and also their timing during the summer months. The key point about the 2007 events was the widespread flash nature of the flooding.  During both events in 2008 (September and November) the County was hit by extensive heavy rainfall and, while not as severe as the 2007 events, roads were closed, several properties were flooded and damage was caused to the highway network and drainage systems.  Following both sets of events data had been collated to compile a comprehensive list of properties that had suffered flooding.  There now needed to be a review of the flooding sites, consider the action response and implement any appropriate action.  However, this could be a significant challenge for the Council given the level of resources currently available.


On scrutinising the report the following principal points were noted:

  • While the floods had been a significant issue for the County with £3m of additional works, the Council had still been able to fulfil its original maintenance programme.
  • Questioned on the Councils relationship with the Environment Agency the Committee were informed that the relationship was good and that meetings had been held at a Regional level to progress strategic folding issues and discuss specific local schemes.  However, there was always scope for improvement and it was hoped that the recommendations from the Pitt Report to government would clarify areas of responsibility and facilitate clearer plans for the longer term.
  • A report containing a series of recommendations developed by those people directly affected by the floods, and drafted by the HVA, was currently being considered by the Recovery Group.  The Chairman of the Council, who had chaired the HVA meeting, relayed the concerns of town and parish councils over drainage issues and requested that the local councils be kept informed of outcomes.
  • Questioned on the application for a share of Defra funding for household-level flood protection and resilience measures, the Committee were informed that the application would be submitted within the next month and the outcome would be known in a few months time.  Further questioned on whether residents would be able to make retrospective claims against any Defra funding, the Acting Construction Manager undertook to investigate further.
  • Responding to whether town and parish councils were consulted over the local supply and storage of sandbags the Committee were informed that they were consulted over their requirements.
  • It was noted that the study of flood sites could generate a significant period of investigation and capital works which would need to be prioritised for the financial year 2009/10 capital budget.  If the new Floods and Water Bill brought with it additional funding then the programme may be accelerated.
  • The reference to ‘benefit’ in appendix 1 related to the ranking as part of the flood policy. (Higher the figure the higher the ranking)
  • Referring to agenda item 8 paragraph 9, that the grant allocation following the de-trunking of the A465 will be used to mitigate the winter maintenance overspend, concern was raised that the use of the grant in this way would not provide for maintenance works to be undertaken to various culverts, thereby mitigating localised flooding.
  • The Cabinet Member (Highways and Transportation) commented that the Council were proactively investigating possible funding, including via the levee schemes, to enable further flood alleviation works to continue.


RESOLVED: that subject to the above comments the report be noted.

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