Agenda item

DCCE2008/3069/O - Land on North Side of Withies Road Adjacent to Track to West Lydiatt, Withington, Hereford, Herefordshire, HR1 3PX [Agenda Item 11]

Proposed residential development.


Proposed residential development.


The Principal Planning Officer provided details of updates / additional representations received following the publication of the agenda as follows:

·         A further letter had been received from the applicants (Parish Council) stating that a shared surface water drainage strategy may be developed in conjunction with the development of the open space with runoff restricted to greenfield rates through the use of SUDS surface water drainage systems including rainwater harvesting and porous surfaces.  Foul drainage would be via the mains sewer.


The Principal Planning Officer advised that:

§         Notwithstanding an objection from the River Lugg Drainage Board, it was considered that this matter could be dealt with by condition if the application was approved.

§         As the consultation period did not expire until 9 February 2009, delegated authority was requested to refuse the application following expiry of the consultation period subject to no additional material planning considerations being raised.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, Mr. Soutar spoke in support of the application.


Councillor DW Greenow, the Local Ward Member, commented on a number of issues, including: the application would provide funds to facilitate the public open space proposals; the need for recreational and sporting facilities in the village; the site proposed for residential development was only a small proportion of the land available for open space; the all weather pitch and other facilities would be of a high standard; the parish council had undertaken an enormous amount of work on the project on behalf of the community; there was plenty of support from residents and no objections had been received; officers had suggested an alternative site in front of the village hall but the parish council did not own this land; the proposed drainage systems would address the concerns identified; residential development would help to facilitate significant community benefits; and there was no need for affordable housing at present.  Given these considerations, Councillor Greenow felt that the application could be supported contrary to the officer recommendation of refusal.


The Principal Planning Officer clarified that a housing needs survey was planned during 2009 and, whilst there may be demand for affordable housing, there was not up-to-date evidence of need.  He also advised that officers considered the alternative site option, on land around the village hall and within the defined settlement boundary, potentially viable.


Councillor PJ Edwards supported the views of the Local Ward Member and commented that the planning authority could act as an enabler in specific circumstances.  He added that the emerging Local Development Framework would provide an opportunity for such residential allocations in the future and he considered that this development could be accepted as an exception.


Councillor MAF Hubbard acknowledged the importance of public open space but he did not consider that the policy objections had been overcome in this instance.


Councillor SJ Robertson said that she supported the parish council's efforts but noted that there were other, if less immediate, ways to fund improvements to local facilities through charity campaigns; support was offered to the Local Ward Member for this purpose.


In response to a question from Councillor AT Oliver, the Principal Planning Officer clarified that the site itself was not thought to be at direct risk of flooding.  The main concern related to surface water drainage, as a consequence of the limited porosity of the soil at the site, and the potential for this to cause problems elsewhere in the catchment.  He added that drainage could be dealt with by condition if the principle of the development was considered acceptable.  In response to a further question about the alternative site, the Principal Planning Officer advised that there might be drainage infrastructure already associated with this land.


Councillor PA Andrews said that the proposal was an innovative idea and she sympathised with the aims of the parish council but, given the position of the site in the countryside, felt that this application could not be supported.


Councillor Greenow re-iterated that this site was the only land available for sale at the present time.


A motion to approve the application was defeated and the resolution below was then agreed.




That officers named in the Scheme of Delegation to Officers be authorised to refuse planning permission, following the expiry of the consultation period subject to no additional material planning considerations being raised, for the following reason:


1.      The proposed development would result in new residential development outside of a defined settlement and notwithstanding the information provided to support the application, none of the exceptions controlling new housing in the countryside identified in the Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan have been satisfied.  As such the development is contrary to Policies H7, DR1 and H13 of the Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan.

Supporting documents: