Agenda item


To update the Committee on progress against the data quality action plan as required by the Council’s data quality policy.



The Head of Policy and Performance presented a report which updated the Committee on progress against the data quality action plan as required by the Council’s data quality policy. He reported that the report was positive and that the data quality position was improving. Progress, however, was not as quick as was originally anticipated in the first six months of the action-plan with more attention needed in certain areas, paragraph 5 of the report refers.


 In the 24 hours prior to the Committee meeting, he had received the draft summary of the Audit Commission’s 2008 audit. This showed no problems against performance indicators. The summary pointed out that the full effects of the improvements would not be seen until the next assessment and that improvements needed to continue.


Councillor Smith asked whether resources or commitment was the reasoning for the slower progress and who was driving the process.


The Head of Policy and Performance stated that data quality was a relatively new area of work but that it was not seen by some managers as top priority. He oversaw the delivery of the action plan. The Joint Management Team (JMT) had taken an interest and supported more work on data quality.


The Deputy Chief Executive (Interim) informed the Committee that it was his role to drive the data quality process and that JMT were in receipt of regular data quality reports. There were significant improvements but there was a need for more work by services to ensure that all services treat data quality with the appropriate priority. With the necessary directions from management and the improvement to systems, data quality management would improve further.


Councillor Smith referred to paragraph 10 of the report regarding employee training and the need to pursue this area.


The Head of Policy and Performance informed Members that the Assistant Chief Executive Human Resources had informed all key managers of the need to amend job descriptions and identify staff who would benefit from training with regard to data quality.


Councillor Smith referred to the pre-Crookall culture of the way in which some officers responded on issues and took the view there were signs with regard to data quality that the culture was clinging on.


The Deputy Chief Executive (Interim) stated that in data quality an approach is being set out and actions would be taken in appraisals and reviews. There was a need to move in areas of poor performance. Procurement had also been tightened. There was recognition that there is a significant cultural change in data quality as well as the culture of change in the PCT and Council joint working. He was of the view that managers want to perform for the Council and he did not consider that the pre-Crookall culture was clinging on.


Dr P Ashurst, Chair of the PCT Audit and Assurance Committee, stated that with regard to culture change, the PCT was undergoing intense scrutiny on World Class Commissioning, commissioning services, the procurement of services and the data quality agenda in the procurement process.


The Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic reminded the Committee not to bring into discussion areas which were not on the agenda. He advised that if Members were aware of non-compliance on procurement that such matters should be reported to the Section 151 officer.


In answer to a Member’s question, the Head of Policy and Performance reported that he planned to re-issue the Data Quality Action Plan with revised target dates and he would circulate this to the Committee. Providing there was adequate support across the organisation he anticipated being able to complete the actions by April 2009.




(i)                 progress against the data quality action plan be noted;


(ii)               the plan be fully completed by the next annual review; and


(iii)             a revised Data Quality Action Plan with revised target dates be circulated to the Committee.

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