Agenda item


To consider approving six independent and separate companies as approved manufacturers of wheelchair access vehicles to be used as licensed vehicles in Herefordshire.


The Acting Regulatory Services Manager presented a report about the possibility of accepting applications from six independent and separate companies as approved manufacturers of wheelchair access vehicles to be used as licensed vehicles in Herefordshire. The six companies who had applied were:

i.               Allied Vehicles Ltd, Glasgow

ii.             GM Coachwork Ltd, Newton Abbot, Devon

iii.            LDV Group Ltd, Birmingham

iv.           Oughtred & Harrison (Facilities) Ltd, Goole, Humberside

v.             Ponting & Betty Ltd, Northampton

vi.           Stanford Coachworks Ltd, Essex


The Committee discussed the details of each of the applicants.  The Acting Regulatory Services Manager described the relevance of the supporting documentation received from each of the applicants and advised that the benchmark for acceptability that he had used was Quality assurance ISO 90001. He had looked at the way in which each manufacturer had demonstrated that they could fulfil the requirements of the Council which had been established in May this year, that their vehicles were manufactured to relevant safety standards regarding wheelchair accessibility.  Having considered the documentation put forward by each applicant, the Committee was satisfied that applicants (i) and (iv) fulfilled the Council’s criteria.  Further information was required from applicants (ii), (iii) & (v) but subject to the officers subsequently being satisfied, those manufacturers could be approved.  The Committee was not satisfied that applicant (vi) could comply and was refused.


The Committee next considered what action it wished to take in respect of the following: -


(i)      vehicles licensed by the Council which had wheelchair accessibility equipment fitted but the manufacturer or installer which had applied for the approval of the Council had been refused; and

(ii)    vehicles licensed by the Council which had wheelchair equipment fitted and either the manufacturer or installer was not known to the Council or had not submitted an application to it for approval.

The Acting Regulatory Services Manager presented a report to the Committee and the options available were considered and the appropriate ones selected.



(I)                 that the following applicants be approved for the purpose of being manufacturers of wheelchair access vehicles to be used as licensed vehicles in Herefordshire:-

(a)   Allied Vehicles Ltd, Glasgow and

(b)  Oughtred & Harrison (Facilities) Ltd, Goole, Humberside.

(II)               subject to the provision of further information to the satisfaction of the Acting Regulatory Services Manager, the following applicants be approved for the purpose of being manufacturers of wheelchair access vehicles to be used as licensed vehicles in Herefordshire:-

(a)   GM Coachwork Ltd, Newton Abbot, Devon

(b)  LDV Group Ltd, Birmingham; and

(c)   Ponting & Betty Ltd, Northampton

(I)                 the application from Stanford Coachworks Ltd, Essex be refused for the purpose of being a manufacturer of wheelchair access vehicles to be used as licensed vehicles in Herefordshire.

(II)               in the case of vehicles licensed by the Council which have wheelchair equipment fitted but the manufacturer or installer has applied for the approval of the Council and has been refused, the vehicles be allowed to continue to operate until such time as a voluntary standard VOSA Single Vehicle Approval Test is passed, provided that it is passed by no later than 31 December, 2008.  After this date the licences of such vehicles still operating will be suspended until the Test has been passed.

(III)             in the case of vehicles licensed by the Council which have wheelchair equipment fitted and either the manufacturer or installer is not known or has not applied to the Council for approval, the vehicles be allowed to continue to operate until such time as a voluntary standard VOSA Single Vehicle Approval Test is passed, provided that it is passed by no later than 31 December, 2008.  After this date the licences of such vehicles still operating will be suspended until the Test has been passed.

Supporting documents: