Agenda item

DCCW2008/2035/F - British Telecom Building, Barton Road, Hereford, Herefordshire, HR4 0JT [Agenda Item 8]

Change of use from B1 offices to Police offices (retrospective).


Change of use from B1 offices to Police offices (retrospective).


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, Mr. Roger spoke in objection to the application and Mr. Watkinson spoke in support of the application.


Councillor JD Woodward, a Local Ward Member, said that, in theory, the change of use of the building was not in itself a problem but the consequential impact on parking in the area was not acceptable.  Councillor Woodward commented that local residents could not park on-street in the area due to indiscriminate parking by Police personnel and concerns had been expressed about related highway safety considerations.  She said that the Police did not consider it safe enough to make use of the car park at Hereford Rugby Football Club and walk to the building, and questioned why local residents should be expected to accept the situation.  It was noted that, through a planning condition, a Green Travel Plan would be required but Councillor Woodward felt that proof of the Travel Plan was needed before planning permission could be granted.


Councillor DJ Benjamin, the other Local Ward Member, said that he had witnessed operational vehicles parking in available spaces and this limited the amount of off-street parking available to other personnel.  He also said that the parking problems had a detrimental impact on the Conservation Area and concurred with Councillor Woodward that the details of the Travel Plan should be available prior to the determination of this application.


In response to questions from Councillor PJ Edwards, the Principal Planning Officer advised that limited progress had been made with the Travel Plan to date and the Supplementary Planning Document on Planning Obligations did not make allowance for contributions from such developments towards residents' parking schemes.  Councillor Edwards felt that the applicant should make a greater effort to resolve parking problems in the locality.


Councillor PA Andrews concurred with other Members that a comprehensive Travel Plan was required and noted that such plans had to be enforced properly.


Councillor DB Wilcox commented on the costs associated with road traffic orders and highway works.  He also said that Travel Plans were only effective if the applicants were committed to improving parking problems; reference was made to the Learning Village where action had yet to be taken in respect of non-compliance with a requirement to implement a Travel Plan.  Councillor Wilcox proposed that temporary planning permission be granted for one year to enable the adequacy of the Travel Plan, and actions undertaken in respect of it, to be assessed.


Some Members supported a temporary planning permission but others felt that further details about the Travel Plan were needed to enable the Sub-Committee to reach an informed decision.  Members also debated the merits of introducing a residents' parking scheme in the area.


The Central Team Leader advised that the recommended condition would require the completion and adoption of the Travel Plan within two months of the date of approval and, therefore, deferral of the application might not be necessary.


A motion to approve a temporary permission failed and the Sub-Committee then agreed to defer the application.  Councillor Edwards commented on the need for activity to be undertaken on the Travel Plan in the intervening period.




That consideration of the application be deferred for further discussions with the applicant, in consultation with the Local Ward Members and the Chairman.

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