Agenda item


To inform members of the comments received to the Draft Model Farm Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) published for consultation purposes in June this year and to consider appropriate changes. 


Ward: Ross on Wye East


A report was presented the Team Leader Local Planning about comments received on the Draft Model Farm Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) which went out to consultation in June.  He said that the document was included within the Council’s Local Development Scheme (January 2008) and was produced in line with the regulations of the new planning system introduced under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.  He advised that the site of some 15 hectares had been identified in the Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan (UDP) under policy E3 as an allocated employment site.  The SPD had been prepared by consultants on behalf of Ross Area Partnership and Herefordshire Council. It had been produced to expand upon and provide additional information and guidance in support of policies contained within the UDP.  Its main aims were to:

·         provide guidance on the existing planning policy framework which would influence the delivery of any future planning application;

·         identify the development requirements and constraints of the site;

·         provide guidance on the delivery of high quality design and landscaping principles for the site;

·         provide guidance on the delivery of access and movement to, from and within the site; and

·         ensure that the development can become fully integrated with the surrounding area.

The Team Leader Local Planning explained the innovative nature of the scheme which was aimed at diversification and growth of a rural economy.  He said that it was aimed at providing the type of employment suited to the locality and making the best use of the land to achieve a balanced live/work concept. The Head of Planning and Transportation said that the document was a first class piece of work for the development of a key area of land within the County, carried out in collaboration with key stake holders. He also said that there would be high expectations of the quality of the ensuing scheme.


Councillor ACR Chappell congratulated the officers on the quality of the proposals and recognised the hard work and also the difficulties that had to be overcome to lead to the scheme coming to fruition.  Councillor GFM Dawe asked about the views of the public on the green issues.  The Team Leader, Local Planning said that there was a carefully designed buffer zone between the site and the town which would help to provide an attractive landscaped approach to it, including pathways and cycle ways.  The use of the site would be light industrial which would be of more benefit to the local community and the environment.  Councillor PJ Edwards hoped that there would be a speed limit as appropriate on the approach roads to the site but welcomed the pedestrian and cycle links together with the safe crossing proposals for the A40.  Councillor PGH Cutter welcomed the scheme and felt that there had been a good consultation outcome with the proposals having met with the approval of the majority of local people. 


The committee has expressed its appreciation for the hard work undertaken by the Officers and approved the proposed amendments set out within the report of the Planning Policy Manager. 



It be recommended to the Cabinet Member (Environment and Strategic Housing) that the changes to the draft Model Farm Supplementary Planning Document, as identified in the report of the Planning Policy Manager, be approved and that the document be adopted as part of the Councils Local Development Framework.

Councilor GFM Dawe voted against

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