Agenda item


Siting and erection of prefabricated classrooms, wc and kitchen facilities to provide temporary accommodation during rehabilitation and extension of existing school premises (planning permission ref: DCSW2003/3461/F) for a period of 30 months.


Siting and erection of prefabricated classrooms, wc and kitchen facilities to provide temporary accommodation during rehabilitation and extension of existing school premises (planning permission ref: DCSW2003/3461/F) for a period of 30 months.


The Principal Planning Officer reported the following:


  • Two further letters of representation had been received.


  • Verbal confirmation had been received from the applicant stating that 3 of the unauthorised buildings had been removed with the fourth one being subject to a retrospective planning application.


  • The Traffic Manager had confirmed that he had no objection to the application but would like further discussions with the applicant regarding the Travel Plan, the management of parking, and improvements to line marking at the access to the school.


  • The Conservation Manager confirmed that he had no objection to the application.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, Mr Mitchell, representing the Much Dewchurch Society, spoke in objection to the application.


Councillor MJ Fishley, the Vice-Chairman, speaking in her capacity as local ward member, advised the sub-committee that she had declared a personal interest in the application as she was a council appointed school governor. She felt that all of the issues raised by local residents had been thoroughly addressed through suitable conditions. She thanked the case officer for his fair and reasoned report and moved the recommendation.


In response to a question regarding archaeological findings on the site, the Southern Team Leader confirmed that a condition could be added to the recommendation if members so requested.


In response to a question regarding enforcement action on the site, the Southern Team Leader confirmed that a number of buildings were subject to ongoing enforcement investigation and that 3 of these had been removed by the applicant. He added that one of the remaining buildings was currently subject to a retrospective planning application and that 3 other temporary buildings would be removed as part of the implementation of the 2003 permission.


Councillor PD Price requested confirmation that the new school buildings being constructed as part of planning permission DCSW2003/3461/F would be large enough to accommodate the current pupil numbers proposed. The Southern Team Leader confirmed that there was no intention to increase pupil numbers and that the proposed buildings were appropriate for the current and intended school roll. He also advised that any proposals to extend the school and increase pupil numbers would need to be subject of further applications that would need to be judged on planning merits.


Members discussed the application thoroughly and despite having reservations in respect of highways issues on the site they felt that on balance the application should be approved.




That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:


1.      B01 (Development in accordance with the approved plans)


         Reason. To ensure adherence to the approved plans in the interests of a satisfactory form of development and to comply with Policy DR1 of Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan.


2.      F20 (Temporary permission and reinstatement of land) (30 months from the date of permission)


         Reason: The local planning authority is only prepared to allow the siting and use of the land as a temporary measure having regard to the sensitivity of the site in relation to the setting of the historic core of the village, including the Grade I Listed Church .


3.      Prior to the installation of the classroom units and anicllary structures hereby approved, details of their external finish shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The units shall therefter be retained in accordance with the approved details for the duration of this permission


Reason: To conform with Policy LA2 of the Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan and to minimise any visual intrusion into the surrounding countryside.    


4.      I24 (Standard of septic tank/soakaway system)


         Reason: To prevent pollution of the water environment and to comply with Policy DR4 of Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan.




1.      N19 - Avoidance of doubt - Approved Plans


2.      N15 - Reason(s) for the Grant of Planning Permission


Supporting documents: