Agenda item


To receive the report to Council arising from the meetings held on 29 May, 12 June and 10 July 2008.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor RJ Phillips, presented the report of the meetings of Cabinet held on 29 May, 12 June and 10 July 2008.


In discussion the following comments were expressed:


Councillor Lloyd Hayes raised the issue of the LEA Swimming Pool, which had been deferred as a Cabinet item, and advised Members that she had been contacted by both school staff and parents complaining that school swimming lessons were no longer available at the LEA pool as it had been closed.  The provision for school swimming lessons at Halo was limited; both in terms of space available in the pool and the time, additionally car parking charges had doubled.  She called for the Council to take seriously the concerns expressed about the closure of the LEA pool and the loss of its value to the wider community.


In response the Leader stated that the LEA Swimming Pool would be considered at the Cabinet on 31 July and that the Councillor’s comments would be taken on board.


Councillor Toon expressed the view that she was appalled by the report considered by Cabinet on the Wyebridge Academy (page 47, 5.1) which referred to the ‘disinterest’ of parents, referring to the fact that only eight parents attended the public meeting.  Councillor Toon wished it to be clarified that the notification of the meeting had been distributed late and that the meeting had been called on the basis of discussing the sole issue of the school uniform, and that it had not been made clear that the closure of the school would be discussed in the public meeting.  This was considered to be a failure of the Council’s consultation process.


The Cabinet Member Children’s Services did not consider the lack of interest to be a failure of the consultation process and advised Members that school uniform was a subject that the parents wished to discuss. 


Councillor RI Matthews requested that parish councils be approached for their views during consultations as he expressed the view that this had not been undertaken in a constructive manner in relation to the Herefordshire Local Development Framework (LDF): Core Strategy (page 49, 8.2). 


In reference to the Herefordshire LDF : Core Strategy and Strategic Housing Availability Assessment items (8.2 and 8.3 page 49), Councillor PJ Edwards sought assurance from the Cabinet Member Environment and Strategic Housing that amenity land would remain as a public resource and would not be considered as potential sites for development.


Councillor ARC Chappell asked whether the Cabinet Member Environment and Strategic Housing agreed that the Council and housing associations could be more imaginative in their approach to development of affordable housing in the county.  The Member informed Council that his political party would be shortly launching a plan which would outline alternative approaches to the provision of social housing and eco friendly development; examples of such alternative approaches were given which included projects both in the UK and in Sweden.


Responding to those questions relating to his portfolio in sequential order, the Cabinet Member Environment and Strategic Housing advised the Council that:

·        In response to Councillor Matthews, the Cabinet Member had been concerned about the manner in which the parish councils had responded to the consultation opportunities made available to them, however Members were assured that the views of those parish councils which had submitted responses had been taken into account.  Officers had engaged with the public through different approaches during the consultation, which included road shows; these events had been a great success and officers involved were thanked.  The Cabinet Member additionally stated that work was being undertaken with parish councils to assist them through future consultation processes.

·        In response to Councillor Edwards, the Cabinet Member acknowledged that the original Cabinet report published highlighted amenity sites as ‘potential housing development sites’ and that new plans had been made available at the meeting to rectify the issue. 

·        Responding to Councillor Chappell’s question, the Cabinet Member expressed the view that the future of housing in Herefordshire was a cross party issue and that he would invite the Member to bring forward for consideration potential solutions or approach that would be published by his political party.


The Leader informed Members of the importance of consultation as a process by which the opinions of all could be considered.  He stated that it was important to consider the value of open spaces, whilst also recognising the need to secure the future of appropriate housing developments within the boundary of the City and within the wider county.  The Leader expressed the view that there was a need to ensure that future developments were community focussed, and urged any Member to bring forward for consideration proposed schemes or ideas.  Members were reminded that any future housing developments would need to take account of the cost of additional infrastructure provision.


In response to a question raised concerning the use of Holme Lacy Road by lorries, as opposed to the Rotherwas Relief Road, the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transportation emphasised that restrictions had been put in place to reduce the use of Holme Lacy Road by lorries, this included the erecting of restriction signage on Holme Lacy Road.  Local businesses had been informed that the Rotherwas Relief Road would be the appropriate route for their use and that this was to be encouraged.  The Cabinet Member Highways and Transportation additionally assured Members that whilst at present there was no proposed order for Hinton Road, if lorries did habitually use this route, provision of an appropriate order would be actioned.

Councillor Lloyd Hayes raised concerns regarding homelessness within the county and specifically the inadequate provision of hostel accommodation.  The Council’s attention was brought to the issue of 300 migrant workers who had been made unemployed by a Herefordshire company which also provided the workers with accommodation.  The Council was not alerted to this situation, and many migrant workers had approached the public in an informal manner searching for both work and housing.  The Councillor expressed the view that the Council had a duty of care to support appropriately those in need and that an element of equality of provision needed to be addressed.

In considering the issues of homelessness in the county, Councillor PJ Edwards drew the Council’s attention to the fact that whilst the homelessness figures had partly improved in the county, the plight of three generation families, housed in the same accommodation was a hidden problem.  He mentioned that constituents in this situation were not putting themselves forward to declare themselves as homeless, but solutions needed to be considered to assist such families, many of whom lived in two bedroom accommodation, unsuitable for such extended living.

The Cabinet Member, Social Care Adults stated that homelessness, as an issue, would not go away and that the current economic climate could have a direct impact on the number of homeless individuals and families within the county.  The Cabinet Member stated that she would welcome any suggestions from Members on this issue.


RESOLVED:  That the reports from the meetings of Cabinet held on 29 May, 12 June and 10 July 2008 be received.

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