Agenda item


Proposed siting of three lodge units for holiday use together with access drive, car parking and sewage treatment plant. 


The Principal Planning Officer provided the following update:


The Conservation Manager had made the following comments:


Thank you for consulting us on the above application, in response I would like to make the following comments:

·         The application recognises the proximity of Shobdon Wood and the Mortimer Trail and whilst this is undoubtedly some justification for locating holiday accommodation, it also serves to highlight both the sensitivity and value of the surrounding landscape. The site is located in the ‘Principal Wooded Hills’ landscape type as identified in the Herefordshire Landscape Character assessment. This is a landscape, in part, defined by the dispersed settlement pattern and lack of buildings and structures. The landscape is heavily influenced by the proximity to the extensive woodland cover on the ridge of hills running from Ludlow to Kington, generally referred to as the Mortimer Forest.

·         The condition of the landscape is generally good with few incongruous introductions visible, with the exception of a nearby poultry unit, and many historic features retained. However, the pressures of intensive agriculture are marked and the general change in the landscape is likely to be negative; loss of field boundary trees, reduction in hedgerow condition and coniferisation of woodland. To this end the landscape has a degree of sensitivity to change.

·         The few buildings that are visible in this landscape tend to be of traditional scale and construction or associated with agriculture. From the site only two other buildings/groups of buildings are inter-visible; the storage unit at the Forestry Commission site and a small farm unit to the north-east. Medium distance views of the site, although partially screened by existing vegetation will be gained from both the road and the lower edges of Shobdon Wood with more extensive views across central Herefordshire in the distance. Close views will be gained from an adjacent public right of way. Furthermore, the introduction of additional car parking and a stoned/gravel drive would result in a domestication of the informal landscaped area to the east of the main house.

·         As the proposed units are neither traditional in size nor scale and would be visible within a sensitive landscape and from a number of vantage points, I consider the application to have failed the criteria laid out in policy LA2 of the UDP (amongst others).



As discussed earlier, I visited the site today, and thought that there was potential for great crested newts to be present. The new access track may affect GCN terrestrial habitat, and I recommend that further information is provided as to whether they are present. If found to be present, a mitigation strategy will also be required.




To comply with UDP Policies NC1 and NC5 with regard to the impact of development upon protected species.

The Principal Planning Officer said that a further reason for refusal would be added to the report, on the grounds given by the Conservation Manager. 


Councillor LO Barnett said that the objections raised by the Transportation Manager carried less significance in this area, because many of the roads could be described as “substandard”.  She added that officers would not have raised objections had the application been for agricultural use.  She felt a site visit would be advantageous for the committee.  


THAT the determination of the application be deferred pending a site inspection on the following grounds:

·         The Character or appearance of the development itself is a fundamental planning consideration;

·         A judgement is required on visual impact; and

·         The setting and surroundings are fundamental to the determination or to the conditions being considered.

Supporting documents: