Agenda item

Presentation by Cabinet Member

To provide an overview of Children and Young People Directorate’s performance, self assessment and activities for 2008/09.  The presentation will also set out the responsibilities of Cabinet Member (Children’s Services) and Cabinet Member (ICT, Education & Achievement).



The Committee received an overview of the Children and Young People’s Directorate’s performance, Annual Performance Assessment - self assessment (APA) and activities for 208/09.


The Cabinet Member (Children’s Services) with the Cabinet Member (ICT, Education & Achievement) gave a PowerPoint presentation indicating the role of the Cabinet Members and gave an overview of the work of the Directorate.


The principal points from the presentation were:

  • The Cabinet Member (Children’s Services) would fulfil the lead Member role under the Every Child Matters agenda with specific responsibility for: Be Healthy, Stay Safe, Making a Positive Contribution.  The Cabinet Member (ICT, Education & Achievement) would have specific responsibility for Enjoy & Achieve and Economic Well-being.  Close liaison would be maintained between Cabinet Members to ensure consistency and joined-up thinking.
  • Annual Assessment and Inspection (APA).  Following consideration by Cabinet Members the APA self assessment document had been submitted on 26th June. The APA self assessment document together with the evaluation of grades had been included in the agenda at appendix 1 and 2.  The Cabinet Member (Children’s Services) commented that the self assessment grade indicated that a further inspection may be undertaken in the autumn, and that Members may be called upon by the inspection team. She felt that areas of strength could be demonstrated but further work was needed to improve the areas of Economic Well-being, Stay Safe; Positive Contribution and Capacity to Improve/Service Management. 
  • The Children and Young People’s Directorate Plan 2008-2011 was an excellent document and provided an overarching framework for the directorate’s activities and fitted in with the Children and Young People’s Plan (Children’s Trust).  She acknowledged that there was a need to look at the quality of service, not just to meet targets.  
  • The Area Based Grant (£3.5m) relating to children and young people, via the Local Area Agreement would be directed by the Children’s Trust to meet the needs of young people.
  • Scrutiny need to continue to look at areas of performance.  There was also a need to ensure that information to Committee was presented in a timely fashion.
  • The improvements made to the Performance Digest, the subject of a later agenda item, now provided a clearer means of examining the data.
  • The Cabinet Member (ICT, Education & Achievement) reported that discussions were being held with schools prior to the December 2008 Conference, which would involve all schools, regarding the next steps in the Schools Review.  He appreciated the situation was causing stress in schools.  To speed up the discussions, between now and September he would be consulting with school pyramids.  He also appreciated that following recent changes in the directorate management team a degree of historical knowledge had been lost.  He strongly emphasised that at this stage no particular view concerning the school review had been formed.


During the course of discussion the following principal points were noted:


  • Due to the national shortage of Social Workers a number of vacancies had been filled from abroad.  While applicants had the required qualifications they would receive a local two week induction programme to ensure that they were fully aware of national legislation and policies.
  • Questioned who could make referrals to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) the Committee were informed that, as from 2007, schools can now make referrals in addition to GPs.  The directorate was working with the PCT to improve the outcomes.
  • With the shared responsibility both Cabinet Members should be appraised of any issues. Responding to a suggestion that a third link be established, namely with the PCT, the Director reported that close links were already in place.
  • It was pointed out that the APA (agenda page 15 5th bullet point) referred to improving dental health for children whereas no mention was made in the Directorate Plan under a similar outcome area (section 4.3.1 Be Healthy). It was also noted that recent information to Members still contained 2006 dental health statistics.  The Director reported that the number of children on dental waiting lists could be circulated to Members.  The PCT were making progress in reducing the length of those lists.  The best way to improve dental health was the highly sensitive issue of fluoridisation of the water which she acknowledged had cost implications and impacted on all the public. 
  • Referring to the ‘solid foundation of performance across children’s services ‘42% showed a positive improving trend’ (Directorate Plan - page 5, section 2.2) it was pointed out that 53% (39% no discernable trend and 14% show a declining trend) indicated that performance was not improving.  Questions were also raised regarding the statements under the Employees Opinion Survey (section 2.3 page 6).
  • Questioned on any proposed changes to the school pyramid system under the Schools Review, the Cabinet Member (ICT, Education & Achievement) stated that this formed part of the current discussions with schools. Following the December conference with schools a report would be presented to Committee.
  • Concern was raised that the Local Admissions Forum had not been consulted over the 14-19 strategy and that the strategy would not be in place for a further 2 years. The Director responded that lengthy discussions had been held over the strategy and 6th Form Plans and while schools were competitive over the areas of provision, between were being built across all types of providers.  The Committee noted the rurality issues of the County and that through the partnerships the strategy was moving forward.  It was commented that Wyebridge Academy would provide an added diversity to provision.
  • Questioned on the review of the Education Welfare Service the Director reported that this work was ongoing.  While secondary schools may have differing requirements from primary schools, a local model which met the statutory requirements would be tested before implementation.


The Chairman thanked the Cabinet Members for the presentation.


RESOLVED: that the presentation and comments be noted and a report on the School Review be added to the Committee work programme.


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