Agenda item

Office Accommodation Strategy Options Appraisal

To propose that the Committee forms a working group to consider the briefing paper on office accommodation strategy options; and


To seek the Committee’s views on a proposed process (including joint working with PCT colleagues) and timetable for developing an integrated office accommodation strategy for the Council and PCT.



The Committee was invited to form a working group to consider the briefing paper on office accommodation strategy options and comment on a proposed process (including joint working with PCT colleagues) and timetable for developing an integrated office accommodation strategy for the Council and Primary Care Trust.


The Director of Resources presented the report.  She emphasised the complexity of the rationalisation of accommodation and the need for support across the Council to deliver the project, which was fully reflected in the draft Corporate Plan.  She outlined the key milestones and timetable as set out in appendix 1 to the report, noting that after the proposed Working Group reported back to the Committee in June, the next stage envisaged presenting a draft accommodation and business case to the Committee in September 2008.


The status quo for the Council’s office accommodation was not an option.  Rationalising accommodation would improve productivity.  It would also release revenue funding currently tied up in maintaining an historic portfolio of buildings that was not fit for purpose.  Significant resources could potentially be released, enabling the Council to repay some of its debt and fund what were currently some of its more aspirational objectives.


Timing was important.  Plough Lane was leased until December 2010 and the timetable for the development of the Edgar Street Grid also had implications.  It would be desirable to avoid having to develop an interim solution. The aim was to have a solution in place by September 2010.


In the course of discussion the following principal points were made:


·         That the timetable for completing the project appeared to be a very tough challenge.


·         It was noted that the company owning Plough Lane was being taken over.  It was asked whether Plough Lane was still the preferred site.  If it was, it was essential that clarification was obtained from the new owners at the earliest opportunity as to whether or not they were prepared to sell.  In reply the Head of Asset Management said that it would be necessary to establish what the new owners were prepared to offer. 


·         A question was asked about the assessment of the amount of accommodation required, taking account of the scope for flexible working.  In response to this and concerns that the Council did not yet appear to have the necessary information to hand the Director of Resources replied that discussions had taken place with Directors about their requirements and information was available on the number of staff to be accommodated and their requirements.


·         That it was important that there was sufficient flexibility within the new accommodation to allow the Council to respond to changing circumstances in the years ahead.


·         Whilst the formation of a Working Group was supported it was requested that Members of the Committee as a whole needed to be kept fully informed. 


·         The Chief Executive requested that the Working Group sought to avoid overcomplication. 


The Committee did not formally record a view at this stage on the process and timetable.


That    (a)        a Working Group comprising Councillors PA Andrews, WLS Bowen and RH Smith with Councillor PJ Edwards as an observer be established to consider the briefing paper on office accommodation strategy options as appended to the report, with the PCT Board also being invited to send a representative; and

            (b)       the Working Group be requested to present their findings to the Committee on 13 June 2008.

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