Agenda item

Wyebridge Academy: Progress Report

To receive a report on the progress being made in Wyebridge Sports College becoming an Academy.


Personal interests were declared by Revd I Terry and Councillors: WU Attfield; ACR Chappell.


The Committee received a report on the progress being made in Wyebridge Sports College becoming an Academy.


The Chairman welcomed the following who had been invited to attend: Mr P Adams, Partnership for Schools; Mr M Evans, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF); Mr I Main, Navigant Consulting; Mr J Sheppard, Principal (Designate) Wyebridge Academy. 


The Head of Commissioning & Improvement (Schools & Services) presented the agenda report and updated the Committee on the following five points:

  1. As set out in paragraph 6 Cabinet had authorised the issue of Statutory Notices to close Wyebridge Sports College.  While these notices ran for a minimum of 6 weeks the closure of the consultation period had been extended from 8th May to 28th May 2008.  Three consultation meetings (dates yet to be confirmed) would be held at other community centres to ensure that members of the community were aware of what was being proposed.
  2. Advantage West Midlands (AWM) had now confirmed that provided the Residents Association were accommodated in the relocated info zone building, then no claw back of the £60,000 grant to the Residents Association would be imposed.
  3. He confirmed that the ‘ICT vision’ document need to be included in the Outline Business Case (OBC) document.  The ICT Vision document was currently awaiting approval by BECTA.
  4. No problems had been raised by Sport England concerning the playing fields as indicated in the Outline Business Case.  However, they had recommended that reinforced grass rather than artificial grass be used.  They had also recommended that the Academy should not aim to provide for all sports but to work in partnership with other schools.
  5. Arrangements were being made concerning the tendering of the project in late May 2008. This would be in accordance with the intended timetable for the project.


During the course of debate the following principle points were noted:


  • Mr Main reported that initial costings for ICT indicated that, including a contingent sum for variations, the cost would be within the allocated capital  budget.
  • In response to two planning issue questions namely: taking account of the sloping ground levels at the site and the potential for parking problems, the Committee were advised that discussions would be held between the Academy and the Council’s Planning Service to broker an acceptable solution to the potential parking issue.  The possibility of imposing similar parking conditions to those at the 6th Form/Learning Village were mentioned, however, it was cautioned that a limited sum was contained in the project for parking and any extra provision would be to the detriment of the overall learning provision.
  • Questioned on the transfer of staff from College to Academy the Committee were advised that the transfer would recognise the National Conditions of Service for teaching staff.
  • Responding to questions on the ICT “Cost per pupil” the Head of Commissioning & Improvement (Schools & Services) reported that the sponsors had made a commitment to support teaching and learning and would commit to supporting the ongoing ICT revenue costs.  Indications had been made that spend per pupil would be at the higher end of the range and this would be supported from the Academy’s Dedicated Schools Grant Funding.  The level to be allocated would be set by the Principal.
  • Reference was made to recent publicity concerning construction companies rigging tender bids for contracts.  Mr Adams reported the National Framework listed major contractors that had signed up to undertake works to a pre agreed rate.   He confirmed that six contractors on the National Framework list were being investigated and that the Framework was being looked at to ensure that it provided a robust tendering mechanism.
  • Questioned on the rights of parents to the admissions appeal process Mr Evans responded that to the best of his knowledge the sponsors expected the Academy to apply similar procedures as local authority schools and to abide by the terms set out by the Local Admissions Forum. The Committee noted that parents, staff and pupils would be represented on the Board of Governors.
  • In relation to the ICT provision the Committee noted that pre tender talks were being held with potential bidders in an attempt to clear up technical issues at a early stage.
  • Reference was made to agenda page 37 “Appendix 1 results of 4th July and 10 December consultation” in that it was alleged that the list of those consulted may be inaccurate.


The Chairman thanked the invited guests for attending and contributing to the debate.


RESOLVED: That the reported progress on the Wyebridge Sports College becoming an Academy be noted and the Scrutiny Working group continue to meet on an ad hoc basis to consider issues of concern if they arise.



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