Agenda item


For:      Mr. & Mrs. P. Eagling, Woodfields Farm, Tillington Common, Herefordshire, HR4 8LP       


To consider a planning application which has been referred to the Committee because the Central Area Planning Sub-Committee was mindful to approve it, contrary to policy and officer recommendations.


Ward: Burghill, Holmer & Lyde


The Development Control Manager said that the Central Area Planning Sub-Committee was minded to grant planning permission contrary to recommendation.  He said that three further letters have been received in support of the application. The letters were from residents local to Tillington and supported the provision of new family housing in the village which they felt would be of benefit to the local community, especially given the local connections of the applicants.  He advised that the view of officers was that these did not change the planning policy principles at stake. The Officers were prepared to recommend approval for the conversion of the substantial stone barn to a single new residential property, in accordance with the Council’s policies, but the creation of the second residential unit did not comply with policy for the reasons explained in the report in that the conversion would require the substantial extension of the buildings and the re-use/replacement of elements of the complex which were not worthy or capable of conversion without major reconstruction. The proposal was therefore contrary to policies HBA12 and HBA13 of the Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan.


Councillor SJ Robinson, the local Ward Member, said that the Sub-Committee had noted the local origins of the applicant and the stated desire to accommodate members of their extended family in the two new units.  She was of the view that the additional units would help to sustain the rural area in general and Tillington in particular and was an appropriate form of affordable housing. She pointed out that the new development would not occupy a larger footprint than the buildings currently on site and would not extend the range of farm buildings into the countryside.  The proposals would also enhance the area. In view of the local circumstances and the full support of the Parish Council, she felt that permission should be granted, possibly on the basis of a personal permission.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, Mrs Reynolds of Burghill Parish Council and Mrs Eagling the applicant, spoke in favour of the application.


Councillor RI Matthews was of the view that the application had considerable merit in providing accommodation for a local family. He was of the view that the Officers supported part of the scheme and that the imposition of appropriate conditions could tie it to the existing complex so that it could not be sold separately.  The Committee discussed the merits of the application and the Head of Planning Services reiterated that the proposal conflicted with the development plan policies which sought to restrict barn conversions where substantial redevelopment of former barns was required to create a new residential unit to modern standards. Notwithstanding these views, the Committee decided that there were sufficient grounds for an exception to be made to the Councils policies and that permission could be granted.


That the Head of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to complete a planning obligation agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 tying the new units to the existing farmhouse with conditions limiting occupancy of the units by the family, and any other appropriate conditions felt to be necessary by the Head of Planning Services.

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