Agenda item


To seek approval to the proposed action plan to ensure that the Council, with the Primary Care Trust (PCT) and its other partners, is well-placed for the new system of Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA).


The Corporate Policy and Research Manager presented the report on the proposed preparation programme for the new system of Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA) which would replace the current system of Corporate Performance Assessment form April 2009.  Referring Cabinet to the summary of the proposed CAA arrangements published jointly by the inspectorates, he highlighted the key differences between the CPA and the CAA as being the latter’s concentration on the area rather than individual organisations, with the main tests being how good the quality of life is for people in the county and value for money.  Cabinet was reminded of the seminar for all Members on Monday 25 February, which would provide more details.


Cabinet was advised of changes that were being made within the Audit Commission to secure the effective implementation of CAA.  It was also advised of the national consultation that had taken place on the principles for its operation and of the outstanding major issues.  It was noted that decisions on these matters and the proposed detailed arrangements would not be known until the summer, with the final arrangements not being notified until early 2009.


Under CAA the authority and its partners would be expected to demonstrate a sound grasp on the needs of the area and of individual groups within it, particularly the disadvantaged.  They would have to show an equal understanding of the wishes and views of citizens and service users.  These requirements were reinforced in respect of health and social care by a new statutory requirement placed on the Council and the PCT to carry out Joint Strategic Needs Assessment from 1 April 2008.  In practice, CAA would require an equally thorough approach in respect of other areas, including the economy and the environment.


On the basis of this evidence the Council and its partners would need to have clear priorities and show that they were capable of managing successfully the risks to their achievement.  In this context it was noted that a good deal had already been done in these respects in the preparation of the new Local Area Agreement, which was scheduled to be agreed in June.


Noting that Herefordshire could be in the first tranche of authorities assessed under CAA in the spring of 2009, officers advised that a programme was being drawn up to address the challenges so that the Council and its partners would be well prepared.  Cabinet discussed the elements and objectives of the programme, the importance of the scrutiny arrangements and the inclusion of CAA preparations in the Members’ Development Programme.  Cabinet was advised that Member seminars on the CAA would be held quarterly.


The Leader expressed the wish that the Herefordshire Partnership Board Members be brought up to speed with the arrangements and that they were fully engaged in the process.   He requested that the proposed programme be discussed at the Partnership Board as soon as possible.  In the context of effective partnership working to meet the CAA requirements, concern was also expressed to maximise the contribution of the public service arrangements being developed between the Council and the Primary Care Trust (PCT) and how these would be reflected in the Council’s Corporate Plan.


The Chief Executive stated that the authority and the PCT needed to look at how resources were used jointly for better outcomes.  Combining resources could ensure that the authority and the PCT would be highly regarded in terms of CAA.  For practical reasons it would not be possible to integrate all the Council’s and the PCT’s relevant plans immediately, but by combining the PCT’s Local Delivery Plan and the Council’s plan into a single document over time should ensure the bringing together of relevant services and result in greater efficiency and effectivenss.  It was added that with regards to the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment it was proposed to bring the substantial body of existing information together in the next few weeks.  It was emphasised that there was a strong track of working together in respect of needs analysis.


The Leader stated that with regard to the delivery on services to users the authority and the PCT were lagging behind what many other areas had achieved.  Although there was a need to recognise the good work going on already, we should also recognise that actual service delivery needed to be improved.  The Chief Executive agreed with the comments and added that it would take 12-18 months to build fully integrated services.





(a)               the proposed action plan be approved;


(b)               it be agreed that it be finalised having regard to discussions with partners and consideration by Strategic Monitoring Committee (SMC); and


(c)               it be agreed that progress against the plan be reported to Cabinet and SMC in July and October 2008, and in January and April 2009.

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