Agenda item


To make proposals for the development of high-performing health and social care services by 2012 to meet the expected future needs of 18-64 year-olds in Herefordshire with mental health problems and physical disabilities.



The Cabinet Member Social Care Adults and Health presented the report and reminded Cabinet of the budgetary pressures emerging for the Council.  The Director for Adult and Community Services advised Cabinet of the work that had been completed for old people and were now looking at people with learning disabilities.  He added that the work was being externally verified.


Cabinet discussed the key points identified looking forward to 2012.  It was noted that the county had a higher than average number of residents with mental health problems, which was not expected to change over the coming years.  It was also stated that it was predicated that there would be a significant increase in young people with mental health problems, but it was added that when investigated this did not appear to be the case; however, figures were still awaited from the Government with regard to young people.  Cabinet was informed that with regard to mental health problems, too much was being spent on residential care and not enough on local support care.  With regard to the physically disabled it was expected there would be a 4-5% increase in the physically disabled in the county.


Cabinet was advised that the new regulations come into statute on 1 April and therefore there was a requirement to approve how joint commission plans with the Primary Care Trust would be achieved to deliver more effective services.  Cabinet was advised that the joint board made up of the Council and the PCT had already looked at the proposals. 


The Chairman of the Health Scrutiny Committee expressed concern that the report had not been presented to the Health Scrutiny Committee and that assumptions were being made and conclusions being drawn up prior to scrutiny being involved.  Cabinet agreed that both the Health and the Social Care Scrutiny Committees should have the opportunity to review the report and it was agreed that the decision should be deferred.

RESOLVED That any decision on the Assessments of 18-64 Year Olds’ Future Needs and Services: Mental Health and Physical Disabilities be deferred.

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